need ball joints and bushings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need ball joints and bushings


July 15, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
nescopeck pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
Hi: First of all, I am not a begger or a scam artist..I have a 93 explorer (only vehical i own) and i was just refused inspection because i need left upper and lower ball joints and a right radius arm or bushings. The ford garage told me it will cost $900.00..I am a retired bethlehem steel worker (by force....they went bankrupt) and just lost my house and everything.I just cant afford that now.. I live in a 27 year old mobile home now with next to nothing for money..I have helped people all my life and now i need it...Is there anyone out there that would maybe have any extra stock or any of these parts that they would be willing to give to me..I have a friend that told me if i got the parts, he would install them for me for free..i am 60 years old and in poor health , so i cant do wife and i would really appreciate any help if someone has any of these extra parts laying around they dont need...We are totally grounded till we get the explorer fixed... Thanks Bob

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If I lived in PA, I'd do it.
Come on guys......

Someone in PA must know an inspection shop that will help this dude, and just give him the OK.

Damn I think we can come up with some ball joints and radius arm bushings...if I was in PA or even close I would volunteer for the labor.

Parts are about $150 total new......

Thanks guys for the moral support...i will get by..the explorer will just set for several months. .i can still walk to get things i actualy is only 5 miles to town, one way and the exercise will do me good for a few months...then i might be able to afford the parts at a junk yard....

Thanks for your concern

410Fortune said:
Damn I think we can come up with some ball joints and radius arm bushings...if I was in PA or even close I would volunteer for the labor.

Parts are about $150 total new......

I really do appreciate your concern for your fellow mankind. I really appreciate your kind jesture. I am the same and help anyone whenever i can..I do have a friend who is willing to put the parts on for free if i get them. He just cant help me out either in buying them. He also lives in a mobile the home park I live in ..only difference is my trailer is 27 years old and cost me $300.00...When i have extra of something, i always give it away to the less fortunate. It makes me feel good inside being able to help someone. I dont have much of anything anymore , but if there are any fisherman out there, i do make an excellent fishing lure and i would gladly send some to anyone who wants some for free..Thanks Bobby D.
