Need Electrical Help For My Summer Project | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Electrical Help For My Summer Project


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
Maybe I didnt see it but I thought we had an electrical section on this site, maybe I just overlooked it. Anywho, I want to re-wire all my accessories on my truck. I kinda dont like how all my power wires are starting to crowd up my positive terminal on the battery. What would you guys recommend as the best solution for this problem? Maybe run one power wire to some sort of distribution block inside the cab, Im pretty much a retard when it comes to electrical stuff. Here are a few pics of my problem:



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They make gold covered battery end connectors which have multiple set screws for adding additional wiring. The under the hood section might be a good place for a thread like this. The other sections which deal with stereos, and lighting are for other wiring issues, but might also have similar pictures with battery connectors.

they also make a block for wiring that you mount on the can get them at most auto parts just take one feed from the battery to it...some also include a main breaker for the wiring block which is a plus...:D

Is there anything that I can put inside the cab instead of on the fender in the engine bay? I would rather have one power wire running into the the cab than a bunch running out of it. Like my amp setup, I have this gold block that one power lead runs into that powers both my amps power leads.

Something like this Stinger un-fused distribution block?


Stinger gold distribution block with one 4 gauge input to four 8 gauge outputs.

or something like this generic distribution block?


one 4 gauge input to four 8 gauge outputs.

If you are looking for the second one, I have an almost new one sitting in my garage...

Unfortunately, that is way bigger (gauge) than I want to use. I'm thinking 10 ga in and 14 ga out. Those would be great for an audio application though.

painless makes a accessory fuse block. I screwed mine to the kick panel and ran a power wire to it. it powers my starter button, cb, relays for my lights and my gauges.

Something like this Stinger un-fused distribution block?


I know I have 2 of these laying around somewhere, they are extra Stinger ones I have from doing my audio system. Could it be as easy as running a single power wire to it and then running 4 of my accessories off that one block? Of coarse each of the accessories would be fused right off the block.
