Need help on my transmission problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help on my transmission problem


March 31, 2010
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1996 Explorer XLT
Transmission rebuilt and shifts good. After about 5 miles of continuous driving my o/d off light comes on and stays on. As long as I'm driving it stays in overdrive until I stop or slow down, then it will not go back into overdrive. The switch on the gear shift lever has no effect. It is completely locked out. If I stop and shut the truck off and resart it. the tranny workes normal again and the switch works. I don't see this problem just driving around on short trips where i'm in traffic, starting and stopping. I thinking the speed sensor but, not sure. There is no tranny codes.

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If the OD light is flashing, then you got stored codes in the ECU. What scanner are you using? Does the OD switch work before the trans goes into a limp mode?


I found that my speed sensor in the differential was bad. I replaced it. I don't know if this was the fix yet because the light doesn't come on all the time. The tranny shifts fine and performs great and the OD button works even if the light is flashing. I talked to the tranmission shop that did the rebuild and they told me that a problem with the O2 sensors will cause the OD light to blink. I have an intermittant 0153 code that comes up. Don't know if this is true or not.

Sounds kinda fishy to me. Usually, engine sensors trip the ceck engine light and the trans trips the OD flashing light. Did you reset the ECU after you replaced the diff sensor?


Yes, I reset it. Ran great. I need to run it on a longer trip. The trans light will not come on just doing stop and go traffic or short trips.
