Need massive input.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need massive input....


Well-Known Member
July 30, 2000
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City, State
Annapolis, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 XLT 4.0L OHV 4WD 4dr
Alright, here's the deal guys. My dreams of purchasing a Mustang and building one hell of a street machine have been shattered by my parents who are telling me that I have to run my car into the ground(even though I have enough to purchase a Mustang with the trade in from my Explorer, but can't happen because my dad's name is on the title). Thing of it is, I need something to at least be proud of. So since it's been quite a while from my last post, I need some input from those of you who have been paying attention to the (power-producing) aftermarket products for the 1995 Explorer XLT 4.0L V-6 OHV 4wd 4dr. I would like to purchase all of the following: Headers, Larger Throttle Body, Larger MAS and Throttle Body Spacers. Only problem is, I don't know which companies are reliable and proven to make the most "bang for my buck". I know Borla has a killer set of headers for my truck, but I can't seem to find em. I also think that Granatelli and BBK have larger MAS. Not sure about the throttle body spacers though. So basically, what I need is input for those 3 things (and a little feedback on the product's power-producing ability if available). Also, does anyone know of a way to replace the rubber intake tube on 1995 Explorers with a more cylindrical tube made out of plastic or metal? I'm tired of looking at my K&N FIPK and seeing that ugly looking thing sitting there. One last thing. Does anyone know of a company that sells a kit for/or any way to lower an Explorer (safely) between 3 and 4 inches? I can't wait to hear what you guys have to say, and I am sorry for being so long-winded. Thanks a lot guys. Let the info flow.

1995 Explorer XLT 4.0L V6 OHV 4x4 4dr
Flowmaster 40 series muffler
Splitfire Ignition Wires
Bosch Platinum 4+ Spark Plugs
Ford Flash Module Superchip
50 Shot of NoS (on the way/in the works)

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1) there is so intake kit for the 4.0 OHV that includes the intake tube (besides the one for my supercharger that reroutes the intake to the back of the engine bay. I've seen people, esp ranger owners, make their own from Al or PVC.
2) there is no TB spacer
3) MAS, recommend adjustable Vanir unit, but you don't need it unless you have forced induction or serious engine work
4) TB: BBK 66mm TB, that's what I recommend, only if you have intake, exhaust, computer
5) headers, recommend JBA ceramic coated headers,
6) lowering a lot. The only way to lower beyond 2" I've seen are to either notch the frame and bag it or use belltech spindles. I wouldn't recommend that far of a drop, I'd recommend the Explorer Express lowering kit.

Good Luck!

Ok, I went by Pep Boys today and I found a 2" and a 3" universal lowering kit(blocks, and u-bolts only). I think that might work for what I want, but what about for the front? Can the torsion bars be cranked down at least 2" possibly even 3"? I would really like to hear anyone's personal experience with this type of thing if possible. I basically want to know if the torsion bars can be cranked down as far as 2" (possibly 3"). I know they probably aren't supposed to be that way, but I just want to know if it is possible. Also, how does one go about cranking the torsion bars down? I am completely new to the torsion bar thing. I really don't even know what one does. Help me out guys.

1995 Explorer XLT 4.0L V6 OHV 4x4 4dr
Flowmaster 40 series muffler
Splitfire Ignition Wires
Bosch Platinum 4+ Spark Plugs
Ford Flash Module Superchip
50 Shot of NoS (on the way/in the works)

ive heard good things about this intake...
Dead Link Removed
i plan on ordering this one in a few days.

MMR Intake

Let us know how it works for you. Is it just a filter, or a filter and a short ram?


from what it looks like to me is its a filter but the tube goes down more so that it picks up cold air instead of engine compartment air.
