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need more power

I have been hemming & hawing on what I want to do. Like others have said it all depends on how much you want to spend. To go 13's I'd say you're looking at a minimum of $10k. With a radical cam (which you will need for 13's) you will need a higher stall converter.

An off the shelf one will run $300+. There is one member here that I know spent close to $900 just on a torque converter. With the compression ratio you will need to achieve 13's you will need around 93 octane if not more.

Also beware of the harmonic balancer issue as well. For more on this read this link:

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I have been hemming & hawing on what I want to do. Like others have said it all depends on how much you want to spend. To go 13's I'd say you're looking at a minimum of $10k. With a radical cam (which you will need for 13's) you will need a higher stall converter.

An off the shelf one will run $300+. There is one member here that I know spent close to $900 just on a torque converter. With the compression ratio you will need to achieve 13's you will need around 93 octane if not more.

Also beware of the harmonic balancer issue as well. For more on this read this link:

i dont think $10k and i don't think 93 octane, but i live in NE, stuff is cheaper here and 93 doesn't exsist (we get 92 but i'm guessing thats the altitude change?)

Like they say there is no substitution for cubic inches/ There is no replacement for displacement. but cubic inches of what its cubic inches of engine that count? Or cubic inches of air in the combustion chamber with a higher fuel ratio?
N/A Or Boost?
Id have to say Boost is the best way to go. The Ultimate dream would be a dart block 351 with the 9.5 inch deck with a 4.125 bore and a 4.185 stroke.
manley rods etc etc.... with alum/titanium.... everything..
twin t3s or t4s bullet proof trans/axels..

But hey we can all dream right?

i dont think $10k and i don't think 93 octane, but i live in NE, stuff is cheaper here and 93 doesn't exsist (we get 92 but i'm guessing thats the altitude change?)

With the combo that Dan mentioned it would be adviseable to run 93 octane (or the highest available locally). The reason I mention this is for something that wasn't yet stated, by neither Dan nor yourself, which is that if a person is putting together a combo like that then they are going to have to have it tuned. Their tuner will likely tune it for the highest octane fuel available locally to get the most power out of it. However, if a person didn't want to have to run 93 octane fuel then they would just request that their tuner not add in so much spark timing. Very few people will spend that kind of money building a vehicle to go fast only to stop short with the tuning.

I think $10k is a pretty realistic (average) amount of money of what it will take to invest into a N/A 4 door Explorer to hit 13's. Is there going to be exceptions that happen that allow certain people to do it for less? Of ourse, but those will not be very common. It all depends on the deal that person gets when getting all the parts together for doing their project, let alone labor costs if needed.

If a person REALLY wanted to hit 13's in their X and really just didn't want to blow tons of cash then bolt-ons + wetshot of nitrous is the way to go. It will be by far much cheaper than any other N/A big cubes or forced induction way to go. Of course nitrous has its drawbacks because you have to open the bottle before having fun and also nitrous does run out.

Thank you Rob. I totaly spaced off mentioning tuning as well.

Thank you Rob. I totaly spaced off mentioning tuning as well.

I am guessing that was probably why Xan had replied to it. Just compression itself will not totally dictate the octane of fuel a person needs to run. With respect to that I believe you and Xan were both correct, just didn't include enough information to get each other on the same page.

If i had a stronger transmission behind my ohv v-6 id go remote turbo for sure. Ive been doing turbo's on imports for quite a few years now and they are a great reliable power adder when setup and tuned right.
