Need Wheels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Wheels

Looking to buy a cheap set of wheels.
I just got some 35x12.5x15" wheels.

Looking for the tire to sick out maybe 3-4" outside the stock fender wheels.

Found a set of Wheel, Series 537, Economy Modified, 15 in. x 8 in., 5 x 4.5 in. Bolt Circle, 3 in. Backspace. On summit , but wanted to make sure they would be a get setup befor buying them.

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In no way am I a wheel expert but I'm 90% sure only 3in of back spacing will Not stick them out THAT much.

Those are not DOT approved, they're race wheels for whatever an "economy modified" is - presumably something that weighs a bit less than a truck and runs low rubber on a flat track.

More importantly, they use lug nuts with a 45° seat, instead of a 60° seat like "normal". I'm guessing they might not stay tight? Also they might not have the bead retaining ridges, aka "safety humps".

On the other hand, the material thickness is similar to their DOT "d-hole trucker" series, so they might be fine for offroad only.

If you're still considering it, check out the "aero race" wheels - crazy colors! :eek:

Anyway, to make em stick out farther, get 15x10" wheels. The cheaper ones pretty much all have the same backspacing, both the 8" & 10" are mostly 3-3/4" or 4", so with the 10" wheels, the "extra" 2" is all on the front of the wheel, so the tire is 1" farther out, and way better supported too. Plus, it gives you METAL farther out, which gives you stability.

May I suggest Cragar Soft 8 wheels? They are about the same style as far as looks go, but a much better wheel for your application, and only cost a little bit more at $52.95 each.
