negative camber on my 97? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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negative camber on my 97?

Well, mine were not greasable so i couldn't! But that's what i would do, until it came out of the grease fitting is that i've always done with everything else!! How did it turn out, look good now!!

Happy trails!!

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Well, i'm just doing the top ones myself and then bringing it in to have the bottom ones since i don't have the tools. Trying to save money.

Well, i don't blame you there. Let me know how everything turns out and how it looks!

Happy trails!!

Well, i got them all replaced but nothing happened. I put in the chamber adjustment kit and it got so much better but have 2 degree negative camber on the right and 1 degree on the left. I guess i bent something. Aldo, the guy that worked on my car said that the ball joints were fine and that i didn't have to replace them. So i guess the first mechanic was lying to me.

Man, that sucks that you wasted that money, but at least you have a warrenty on these, and they are greasable! Oh well, you win some you loose some!

Happy trails!!
