Neon Underbody Lighting, Your Opinions Please! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Neon Underbody Lighting, Your Opinions Please!

Hey guys, Im looking into a neon underbody kit for my X and personally I think with the right color, it would look really cool. First off, I have an all black X and I plan on getting 17'' Cobra Rs but not the chrome ones and soon thereafter the suspension from Explorer Express. Now even though my dad is a cop I still cant get blue or red neons and drive around without getting stopped or at least Im pretty sure I cant, so I was debating on colors that would be ok to use. The one that I was mainly thinkin about was like a neon green but your opinions are welcome, I want new ideas! Also I cant wait for Altezzas to fricken come out for my 2nd gen!

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my friend has an all black toyota camry and he has a green low glow kit on his car and it looks really good on a black car. Thats really to bad you can't get red or blue because those two are the best colors for a low glow kit (my opinion).

First have an explorer which means you are naturally higher off the ground and need a brighter color to get the desired illumination off the ground. I tried putting red neons in my car...they are so dark that I ended up having to put 7 of them total to get it bright enough. So Roadenforcer would be fine...or even yellow. All the ricers can use darker colors because they are really low to the ground so it shows up better.

Well the thing is you can legally buy blue or red or any color they make for that matter but I think that you arent supposed to ride on the roads with the blue or red turned on. Personally I think its really stupid because I dont see how you can mistake the glow of lights with the actual exposed blue or red lights of a police vehicle. Those that get malicious or trick ppl into thinking they are cops should be punished when caught but red and blue are like the two coolest colors to have. I have seen a few vehicles with those colors but it seems to be rare, and Im not totally sure that the police will stop you for it but I dunno. It looks like Im gonna go with green, the entire ground lightning kit including installation with my local dealer is just under $300.

Originally posted by ccmoore11
Well the thing is you can legally buy blue or red or any color they make for that matter but I think that you arent supposed to ride on the roads with the blue or red turned on. Personally I think its really stupid because I dont see how you can mistake the glow of lights with the actual exposed blue or red lights of a police vehicle. Those that get malicious or trick ppl into thinking they are cops should be punished when caught but red and blue are like the two coolest colors to have. I have seen a few vehicles with those colors but it seems to be rare, and Im not totally sure that the police will stop you for it but I dunno. It looks like Im gonna go with green, the entire ground lightning kit including installation with my local dealer is just under $300.

First of all, i totally agree with the "impersonating a cop" idea. ITs so lame....i have purple and green UB kits...and EVERY type of neon is illegal here in whenever i get pulled over cops try to push the whole "im impersonating a cop"

How the HELL can i impersonate a cop when i have a purple and green UBkit? I know purple is supposedly reserved for ambulances...but come on...

Also....i would recomend installing the neons yourself.... :)

Save you about 150 (go to for cheaper neon prices)


dose anyone know where to find out what is and isent leagle in any surtant state. For instance i live in montana. personaly i do think i should matter eather because the bulb is not visable.
