New box for my type r 12's???? Help!!! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New box for my type r 12's???? Help!!!

Dont put anything in the back, use that money to get a better set of comps for the front.

what you recommend? im happy where its at now, im just ignorant and need to spend some money on something, should i sell my 300/4 and get s pdx 4/150?

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Rear speakers are pointless unless you like to have your rear passengers hear the highs too...I'd spend more money on components for the fronts and just leave the rears coax.

What are some clear cut choices out there? the typer R comps i got are like perfect in my opinion, and i'm curious to hear the type x **** if i think the the type r's are perfect. I really don't need to upgrade but i will just cause i can.

should i sell my 300/4 and buy a pdx 4/150?

what matters the most is the installation.

I've heard some Type S components that shattered some 300 dollar JL components in output and SQ

I have type x ref's an i love them.



However they pale in comparison to my son's CDT's.


CDT is quality...i've always liked them.

what u mean by install... its just hookin up positve and negatives?

and whats up with CDT, how much are they?

simply screwing the speaker into the door panel without doing anything is a waste of expensive speakers.

My 40 dollar a pair of 6x8 kenwood 2-ways from Best Buy sound better than my friends 300 dollar 6.5" JL components...why?? because a speaker needs a solid baffle to be mounted on.

I put three layers on the inner door skin and two strips across the outer skin.


simply screwing the speaker into the door panel without doing anything is a waste of expensive speakers.

My 40 dollar a pair of 6x8 kenwood 2-ways from Best Buy sound better than my friends 300 dollar 6.5" JL components...why?? because a speaker needs a solid baffle to be mounted on.

I put three layers on the inner door skin and two strips across the outer skin.


I think your comparison might be stretching it a bit but your point is made. friend has the 300 dollar VR components installed in a stock flimsy door.

My comparison is not a stretch my friend...I assure you. His speakers sound very hollow and depth to them at all...only treble. Very weak midbass.

I agree there would be a difference but come to think of it I have never heard really great things about JL comps anyway.

Whatever the speaker being used I would always advise sound deadening and of course a solid baffle as well. If someone could only afford a $40 pair of Pioneers from Wally world then it becomes harder to justify adding the same amount of money into deadening.

Install is older SQ competitor told me he once saw a chick who did her own system with all Sony equipment and won first place in an SQ Competition and beat out systems worth thousands of dollars more.

i know what u mean, u can buy the best **** in the world an if u dont take ur time an hook it up right you may not be getting full potential , like a paint job... I'll invest in some dynamt soon, an make sure all my door speakers are still nice an sturdy when i take the panels off again, u guys think i can get my panels off with a crow bar or somthin? my friend lost his panel popper an i dont wanna buy one.......

Install is older SQ competitor told me he once saw a chick who did her own system with all Sony equipment and won first place in an SQ Competition and beat out systems worth thousands of dollars more.

Once again I get the point and I agree to a certain extent. We would have to compare a brilliant chick to a dumbass with 5k in his pocket. You wuill never get a $69 Sony co-ax sound like an $800 Morel. It ain't gonna happen.The Morel will sound less ok far less than optimal installed and also what we're forgetting is settings.....Are you taking into account that the person deadened or not knows how to set up their amp settings?

2 layers of Dynamat Extreme in my Ex. No doubt it is essential but it will not make the diff from Sony to Morel .....just using that as an example. There would have to be more factors to make it close. A total idiot like I said.....mayvbe.

I had to think about this a bit. Back in the 80's Sony made some incredible equipment. It was Sony Mobile ES. Not the Explode ES of today. In fact that story was remotely true....Which it is most certainly possible it was most likely from that era. Sony made some of the best equipment on the market in that time. Certainly in the top of competitions. It was the era of the classic RF amps and Sony was right in the game back then. Dead heads with copper chassis and amps that made well beyond rated power.

Your reference of a CHICK gets me. Can women not have knowledge in car stereo?
