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New Dodge Ram

Big E

Well-Known Member
April 13, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Albion MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Have you heard about then new Dodge Ram for 2003? The 2500 and the 3500 are coming with the new Hemi. 345 hp and 425 torque. I think those figures are right. And the best news is the new Cummins. 305 hp and 550 torque. That is going to pull a house. Can't wait to see that. The cummins in totaly new. Only using 3 orgional parts.


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I have never been a Chrysler fan, but I really like the look of these new trucks. My neighbor just a bought a 1500 4x4, and it is nice, and about $8,000 less than a comparable F-150.

And I have always liked Cummins, we have a couple of tractors with Cummins and they are tough.

Yea, if i had the money I know what I would get:
03 Regular cab short bed
5.7-liter HEMI® Magnum V-8
Not sure about tire size, because I would like the 20" but I am not sure of ant good offroad tire for the 20's

check this out for more info


sorry, but you won't be able to get that hemi in a 1/2 ton shortbox, they're only puttin' em in the 3/4 and 1 tons.

Give me the Cummins with the allison, and the body of the 96-97 F250 and I would be very happy. :D

I like the look of the new Rams. But I agree with putting a Allison trans behind the Cummins. What a combo that would make. Correst they are not putting the Hemi in the 1500s, but they are putting a Viper V-10 in a 1500 short bed single cab. That is something to look for.


Do they have any plans of putting the Hemi in a car? That would rock!:eek:

From what my dealer told me they are putting them in the 1500. Also the 2004 j**p Grand Cherokee is getting that same engine.

i heard the new dodges at least the 1500 have ****ty transmissions

Dodge has ALWAYS had ****ty transmissions....nothing new for them. Why do you think they have a 7yr 100,000 mile drivetrain warranty?

I was looking at the 03 rams and test rode the V6 3.7L supposively has 215HP,, which the old Ram's had the 3.9 @ 175HP (I think). and both ran like crap and felt like I was in a grandpas golf cart.

I cant even imagine how Doge would drop to a 3.7L and make it more HP's then the 3.9L. All in all,, truck body style looks nice... but I'd still not buy one.

I used to own an 1997 Dakota SLT club cab 3.9L and it was a weaklin and suked gas worse then our 4.0L in our X.... oh and our X is rated at 160HP and it out pulled my Dakota will both attempting to pull out 3800# ski boat. Do you want to know what I still own?? Heheh.. my user name says it all! :)

Fords still #1 in my book of fame :)

Guess you all missed my post:

I have seen :eek: a 1500 with the Hemi in it. As for those of you that like the allison, it to is a p.o.s. I know of five that have bitten the big one with less than 10K on them. Allison has never made a decent light/ medium duty transmission and it looks to me like their newest version is up to par with their reputation.
