New guy from San Diego | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New guy from San Diego


October 9, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
Wanting an Explorer
What's up guys. Just got linked to this site from one of my friends who says it's the best on Explorer info. I'm either going to be getting a 93-95 Ranger xtra cab or a 91-94 4dr Explorer within the next 6-8 months. So many people here in San Diego own prerunners so that's what I'm going to be building. Gonna take me a while cuz money is hard to get when job options are limited but I'll get it done! So pretty much I'll just be askin everybody for opinions about suspension and what not. Thanks for the help in advance guys!:D


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WELCOME TO THE SITE! The Ranger and Explorer are very good baja platforms.... Before you start asking, try the search feature... You will probably find what you need to know there... [And the response is a lot faster than a person actually posting to your thread ;)]

Welcome to the site:)

I'm new to the boards but not new to X's. I'm keeping my X stock and buy a Ranger to trick out for off-roading. Not that my X is a street baby, its got lots of scares from Lake Morena. So it's nice to see another San Diego person on the boards. :)

Welcome to the site. :cool:

Uh oh..........skater..........:mattmoon: This is Dave from TW, btw. :bounce:
