New Member/Old Bronco | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Member/Old Bronco


February 4, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'88 Bronco II XLT
After wearing out a '96 Explorer and then a '98 v-8 AWD, I'm looking backward and restoring an '88 Bronco II. More fun, less space in the barn, easier to work on. This one needs a lot of bodywork, but for running over the mountain roads where I live it fits my needs. Target for body painting is this spring or summer. So far the mechanicals are still strong at 150,000, with only a littel vavlecover leakage, a non-###tioning cruise control, and two ball joints in need of replacement. 22 MPG on the road. Great toy!

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welcome to the forum

Great to hear that we got another B2 toy on the site. Welcome.

Now let's see some pics as the build progresses.
Check out the ones we got on this site under B2s

Welcome To The Forum! He meant you put "98" you have an "88" bronco thats what he meant by a typo.

Oops! Comes from not reading as thoroughly as I do quickly - - - Right. It's an '88 B-II. The '98 was the AWD V-8 Explorer I drove 100-thousand+ before things started dropping off. Finally I said, "If one more things goes wrong with this truck, it's gone." Then I turned the key and the radio display died! Gone! Put a small Pontiac in its place. But you can't be Ford-less forever. (The '82 truck is a necessity where I live - that doesn't count). The B-II is for fun and something I can put aside when I don't have time to work on it. I'll post the "before" pix so you can see what I'm working with.
