new parts truck score! ($400 EB) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new parts truck score! ($400 EB)


Active Member
January 4, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Newport, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 explorer xlt
Scored a new parts truck today. 98 exploder EB 4.0 4X4. I only have a picture of it. Ran into an old friend from highschool a few days ago and he informed me of this sitting in his yard. Said he parked it about 6 months ago when he got his new saturn and said he wants it gone. I told him to think of a price and he told me today he wants $400 for it. It runs and drives, just needs tires. Sounds like a helluva deal to me!

Here's a pic.

Going to go pick her up some time this week! Woohoo. Stay posted for news and pics!

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Excellent score:D

Also just scored a 94 4x4 4 door that's purple with a maroon interior and has the typical 1st gen overheating problems to fix up for the wife. For $500. Hehe this should be a fun next few months!

Nice deal! Both of you. I paid 500 for mine a long long time ago.

Picked up my $400 eddy tonight. Found out today its been sitting for 2 years. So I thought great.. it won't run. Wrong. Bought a new battery, hooked it up and ding ding ding door chime, and interior lights. Okay. Good sign number one. Got in and turned the key to "on" and the arc pump kicked in and the dash lights came on, fuel pump primes. Good sign number 2. Turn the key to start it, roll 1 roll 2, fires right up, Bingo! Purrs like a kitten, no slap from the timing chains, no knocking. Lifters tick a little but that's normal. So I cycle through the gears, everything engages and moves, so I cycle the 4x4 everything engages there as well and there's no annoying "zzzzzzip thud clunk" when it shifts to 4lo like mine does. So I paid my $400 and shook hands and drove off. I immediately noticed the lower gearing. Open 4.10's, also notice it has a bit of a death wobble, wheel bearing.. ok, go figure. Put the hammer down a bit and.. sideways.. giant smile. Ok she runs well enoug h for my liking. Got her home and noticed its. Burning a little oil, not unexpected and the factory sub doesn't work. But literally everything else on the truck does. So. Very happy with my investment. Will post pics tomorrow when its daylight.

Awesome! Check the lower intake bolts if you are using oil. Could be loose...

So ive started sprucing up debo a little at a time (whenever I can get time away from work, the wife and the baby lol) and decided to start with the body damage, rust and interior since this will probably be the wifes ride.

So I started with this, removing the entire front end

I will have to say that after sitting for 2 years under some trees and in the mud I wouldve expected this to be red with rust but no.
Well needless to say I was a little preterbed to have removed the entire header panel to find clean metal behind so I moved my attention to the drivers side fender, removed the plastic flare and viola, rust. So I ground down the paint and surface rust with a coral wheel and my drill and decided to take a stab at reforming the fender (you can see the dent in the first post)
So after an hour of using 2 rubber mallets using one as a dolly id say I did pretty damn good but ill let the pics do the talking.


Stay tuned! Theres more to come!

Any progress?

Any progress?

Sorry for the lack of activity. Too much life getting in the way lol. I actually decided to scrap the body. I took the entire interior out only to find the entire passenger side (firewall-c pillar) had been replaced and the floor pan was wrinkled pretty bad it even wrinkled the trans tunnel if that tells you anything. So what ive done is removed the body from the frame, scrapped the body, and im keeping the drivetrain as a spare and im in the process of turning the frame into a decent sized trailer.

What i plan to do is strip the frame bare and flip it over and move the rear axel forward of the rear rise to A lower it a bit and B put the wheels more centre of the trailer to help with turning and load distribution so i can a,tually balance the trailer when loading it so i dont have the full load weight resting on the tongue/ hitch. Ill post some pics once i get the ball rolling and find a welder lol
