New style of Altezza's for 98-01 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New style of Altezza's for 98-01

Don't think anybody make 'em sir. :(

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Crapolla!! :fire: I either want a set like that or carbon fiber ones. Nothing else!

Here ya go folks, they're not carbon fiber, but they're gun metal.


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Looks good to me!

Nah, I dont like those. Ther are too fancy looking for me. I like the look of the three separate lights like the ones I posted a few posts back. Thats cool you found them tho. They are hard to come by.

Here ya go folks, they're not carbon fiber, but they're gun metal.

if they're as dark as they look in that pic, those would be perfect for my EX.

Is it just me, or does it look like that red reflector is just stuck onto the outside of the light where it could possibly fall off after a few washings?

Trust me, everything is inside the lense itself. C'mon man...why would they put it outside. :eek:

I could be 100% wrong. They may be on the inside...but from that pic they look like they're on the outside. How do you know for sure that everything is on the inside? Did you contact the seller, or have you seen a pair in person for me to trust your judgement? :rolleyes:

Look at the picture, you can see the sheen of the clear plastic overlapping the red reflector. Trust me, I've seen lots of pics of these particular lenses. This is not a set of lenses made by ProCarParts, these are made with craftsmanship and are of quality.

LOL, I wish I could. I think I've finally found a way to make my tails cool, but I'm not telling ya how I'm gonna do it. ;)

hrmm..I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents here...
Savage Wolf has a 93 --- he got some very fine pinstriping and carefully lay it out in rows over his tails-it's subtle, but it looks really good! I'll see if I can get him to put up a pic....

I like those new ones, but I don't have that kinda $$ :(

I got em: )

They should be arriving this week...i'll get some pics up here too. Oh by the way i'm m.i.c. (emeyesi) greetings!

Emeyesi, If you don't mind where did you order them from and how much?

KodeBlu, Here is another picture with better angles. The side reflector is on the inside.

FE9801-ALT-G2-GUN.jpg $179 plus shipping. Seems a bit high!

Bigtig, both the regular and gun metal types are on eBay right now for about $130-$140 a pair.

Originally posted by alphasylum
THe housing inside is a puke color.

I think that's just bad reflection. They're GUN METAL!

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As of right now I dont like those. I think they are too fancy for the look I'm going for with my truck. However, when the day comes that one of you guys gets them and posts some pics, I may change my mind. ;)
