New supercharger kit for 4.0L | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New supercharger kit for 4.0L

Paul Gagnon

Poseur SUV
Moderator Emeritus
February 7, 1999
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Sherwood Park, Alberta eh?
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
I like my 4.0L it's reliable but it sure could use some more power. There's a few different companies that are making supercharger kits for the 3.0L/4.0L but most won't sell you the adapter set separately.

I have been talking with Geoff Knight the owner of Thomas Knight Turbo Upgrades & Superchargers about their adapter kit for V6 Rangers (3.0L and 4.0L)and he just sent me an update. The new design is now ready and the adapter set is available for sale at a price of $1000. This adapter set is developed around the Eaton M62 supercharger with a used supercharger from a Nissan Exterra/Frontier (I am not sure but I think you could possibly use the blower off of a Buick 3.8L as well ) an FMU, boost gauge and a/f meter you could have blower on your Explorer for well under $2000. Check out the pictures he sent me. Looks like it fits under the stock hood no problem.

It's good to see more people supporting the 4.0L.


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Good info! So - you get the Eaton separate, and buy the adapter kit from them?!?!? What all is included in their adapter kit? I wonder if you have to add any additional idler pullies for it?!?!

I know a few people that would be interested in this.... :)

What is it besides the adaptor plate?

Nice to see others having interest in Explorers!! Thanks Paul for encouraging interest!!!

So nice, I want.

whats the overall gain in HP? Looks delicious, and a consideration for $2k.

More info

Here is another e-mail I got from Geoff:

BTW, only the Nissan will fit (they are easy to find on ebay or at wreckers for $300-$400). To replace all the bearings and seals in an Eaton is about $200 in parts, so if someone gets one they will never have a big repair bill. The Eaton units average 150K between overhauls.

The adapter kit includes:
1--Two piece CNC cut 6016-T6 1/2" aircraft aluminum manifold adapter
2--throttle body plenum
3--idler pulley brackets--two different versions come with the kit
4--Throttle cable bracket
5--IAC adapter
6--detailed photographs of the installation and suggested accessories
7--detailed pics of drilling, tapping, and two items that need to be heliarced (the average welding shop will charge $50 to weld a fitting to the original fuel rail, and the throttle body plenum--15 minute weld)

Adapter set-----------$1000
Nissan Exterra Eaton---$300+
FMU fuel controller-----$100+
Boost/air-fuel gauges--$125
Fan belt---------------$20
Idler pulley-------------$20
Misc (hardware/bolts)---$50

That is the perfect news for me this weekend! :bounce: I have been searching for the BBK roots blower for the 4.0L only to find it has been discontinued so the only available option is the centrificial like the Vortech. That's no good in my book for an off-roader.

Question: Is the 3.0L and the 4.0L use the same manifold?

I'm not sure but I think they use the same lower intake.

That's what I have been looking for. There's a 3.0L kit on eBay right now for $1300.

This is cool. Does anyone know if this would work on a 99 4.0 OHV? I think the engines are just about the same.

Hey guys!!!! My b-day is in a few days.;)

I know my next upgrade now.:)

The 98+ OHVs have a returnless fuel system, so changes will have to be made to accomodate that.

Originally posted by Alec
The 98+ OHVs have a returnless fuel system, so changes will have to be made to accomodate that.

What kind of changes?

yea man, i bet it would work, i wouldn't see y not. as long as its still the ohv.

So, all 91-97 4.0 OHVs are fair game?

I have been pricing the Eaton M62s (Nissan) on eBay. Final selling prices vary from $150-$450. I am thinking that with enough tracking down of deals, this could be done for under $1500 total.

Yeah...Why doesn't my air intake look like that???

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Originally posted by Derrick C.
Yeah...Why doesn't my air intake look like that???

Thats a 95+ OHV intake
