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New to Explorer Forum


Active Member
October 31, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Ridgecrest, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 xl
The explorer forum guys are a bunch of hipsters. The badest of the bad, and would only be improved by owning a jeep!:salute::burnout::feedback::smokinfro:popcorn:

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welcome steve

Sorry about that guys. Left my account up when I was helping a friend with a heep look for a real rear axle... He is looking to put an 8.8 in his Heep Chokeree.

Sorry about that guys. Left my account up when I was helping a friend with a heep look for a real rear axle... He is looking to put an 8.8 in his Heep Chokeree.
Haha that's funny. Tell him if he wants an 8.8 to get an explorer, my 91 came with it stock :smoke:
