New to the Explorer world,from Orlando. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New to the Explorer world,from Orlando.


New Member
February 10, 2016
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WhOrlando Florida
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1991 Ford Explorer EB
Hey everybody,names Christian I've been lurking for 3-4 weeks now.I just bought a 1991 EB edition about a month ago,interior in almost perfect Condition,exterior not to bad.Picked it up for $350,put a new fan,ran clutch,thermostat and power steering pump(and tires)and man this thing is one of the smoothest driving vehicles I've ever owned (My current DD being a 98 grand marquis with 227K on her,still going strong)Anyway y'all have been a help with the repairs I've done so far,And I plan on sticking around.Thank you.

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Welcome to the forum! Not EXACTLY the same but I've got a 92 crown vic to go with my first gen! Little tip: open up the intake with a bigger throttle body, and put dual exhaust on your grand marquis, and it'll really wake up that 4.6!

Welcome to the forum! I'm a little west of Orlando in Inverness.

I've got a 1997 Lincoln Town Car, and 1985 C10 to go with my 97 Mountaineer :)


Thank you for the welcomes,Beautiful Fords ya got there!( I'll excuse the Chevy as your Ford's outnumber them)Yeah I do have a cold air intake with a 5.0 explorer MAF along with strait piped duel exhaust on my Merc.She's big,she's loud and smooth as a cloud at 120 lol Not sure which direction to take with the ex yet,I love off roading but I'm not sure I want to spend too much money on lifts and stuff for a 2wd...

Yeah, those panthers will fool you on the highway! I've looked down and been startled by how much over the speed limit I was running!


Thank you for the welcomes,Beautiful Fords ya got there!( I'll excuse the Chevy as your Ford's outnumber them)Yeah I do have a cold air intake with a 5.0 explorer MAF along with strait piped duel exhaust on my Merc.She's big,she's loud and smooth as a cloud at 120 lol Not sure which direction to take with the ex yet,I love off roading but I'm not sure I want to spend too much money on lifts and stuff for a 2wd...

Don't tell anyone, but I've got a 77 Trans Am I did a frame off restoration on in my garage, including paint. And a 68 Nova :)

My Mountaineer is my daily driver however. I had the Mountaineer doing 120mph on 75 last year after outrunning a 2014 Cadillac Escalade, didn't realize it till I looked at the speedo. I like the cluster in my town car better because it's all digital.

Don't tell anyone, but I've got a 77 Trans Am I did a frame off restoration on in my garage, including paint. And a 68 Nova :)

My Mountaineer is my daily driver however. I had the Mountaineer doing 120mph on 75 last year after outrunning a 2014 Cadillac Escalade, didn't realize it till I looked at the speedo. I like the cluster in my town car better because it's all digital.

We all have our dirty little secrets,one of my favorite rides was a 98 Buick Riviera,3.8 supercharged.Beautiful car,drove amazing.Had it registered for a whole hour before I was Tboned into head-on traffic...By a Mustang GT.I took that as gods way of telling me he was ashamed of my treason (driving a GM)By the way,you happen to know nova means in Spanish? :D

We all have our dirty little secrets,one of my favorite rides was a 98 Buick Riviera,3.8 supercharged.Beautiful car,drove amazing.Had it registered for a whole hour before I was Tboned into head-on traffic...By a Mustang GT.I took that as gods way of telling me he was ashamed of my treason (driving a GM)By the way,you happen to know nova means in Spanish? :D

I do, that's why it's still in the garage awaiting restoration. My dad purchased the Nova ( Running ) in the 80s for $50.00 cash. He ripped the motor out for use in one of my moms cars later that year, and it's been sitting in the garage ever since. We're going to do a frame off, nut and bolt restoration on it as soon as the Trans Am is complete.

That sucks about the Mustang hitting you! Them Buicks are really nice cars.
