New transmission rebuild needed? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New transmission rebuild needed?


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May 23, 2006
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Folks, I took my 2004 Explorer XLS 4.0(103,000 miles) to the shop this morning after my Overdrive light started coming on and blinking. Today the shop called me said my 2nd gear is basically gone and will require a rebuild of the tranny. I'm waiting for a guy I know who is a mechanic to tell me more but he wont be available until Monday, I've looked at Autozone, Oreillys and Advance and the trannys there are around 16000-1800, can anyone recommend another direction in which to go? The mechanic shop says they will know an exact figure to fix it on Monday when the transmission guy comes in.


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Folks, I took my 2004 Explorer XLS 4.0(103,000 miles) to the shop this morning after my Overdrive light started coming on and blinking. Today the shop called me said my 2nd gear is basically gone and will require a rebuild of the tranny. I'm waiting for a guy I know who is a mechanic to tell me more but he wont be available until Monday, I've looked at Autozone, Oreillys and Advance and the trannys there are around 16000-1800, can anyone recommend another direction in which to go? The mechanic shop says they will know an exact figure to fix it on Monday when the transmission guy comes in.


I wouldn't buy a tranny from a parts store myself, but you should be able to get a rebuilt tranny installed (parts and labor) at a tranny shop for that $1600-$1800 range the parts stores quoted you just for a rebuilt tranny (part) alone. For approx. $600 more, you should be able to get a "remanufactured" tranny which is the better tranny to go with if you can afford it. The difference between a rebuilt and a remanufactured tranny or engine is: a rebuilt engine or tranny just has the parts that failed replaced with new and older, still working parts stay with the rebuilt engine or tranny. A remanufactured engine or tranny is a used, but cleaned out or bored engine block or tranny housing, that has all new internal parts and some external new parts installed, basically a new engine or tranny. You will get a much longer warranty with a remanufactured engine or tranny as well. Remanufactured is really the way to go.

i think 2nd and od use the same band. you probably have a broken band.

Folks, I took my 2004 Explorer XLS 4.0(103,000 miles) to the shop this morning after my Overdrive light started coming on and blinking. Today the shop called me said my 2nd gear is basically gone and will require a rebuild of the tranny. I'm waiting for a guy I know who is a mechanic to tell me more but he wont be available until Monday, I've looked at Autozone, Oreillys and Advance and the trannys there are around 16000-1800, can anyone recommend another direction in which to go? The mechanic shop says they will know an exact figure to fix it on Monday when the transmission guy comes in.


If you have the time and motivation (like, $$$$), buy a code reader tool, be sure it's capable of transmission codes, all parts stores sell them, a good one displays the trouble code as well as word description for that code. Plug it in, turn ignition key to "on", read code or codes stored. At present, you are only aware of what the shop told you, rather vague- "2nd. gear basically gone", could be caused by a number of things. it would be helpful if yopu could provide us with the codes stored. It's your money, your call. imp

Edit: The sales person at the auto parts store can help you in several ways, not the least of which is, if you don't care to BUY a code reader, most stores will read your codes for free. If you go that route, ask them to please SHOW you the reader display; write it down on a piece of paper.

the local shop I use here was showing me the codes but unfortunately I didn't read them, the guy got a quote from the transmission shop today and worst case scenario they told me $3200.00 if once they get into the tranny something else is broken, something about a case that holds everything together(not really sure) but if that is fine and they just rebuild it the cost would be $1800 to $2200.

~$2000 is about the going rate for a quality rebuild. Be sure to ask if they are going to sleeve the servo bores, install a new solenoid block, go through and update the valvebody, and replace the torque converter...on top of all the "typical" transmission rebuild parts.
