New Viper Alarm (Responder) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Viper Alarm (Responder)


Explorer Addict
September 19, 2001
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I was wondering what people on this board thought about this new alarm. Viper Responder
I am consider getting it. the best price i got was 572 installed with taxes. It comes with one remote, wtih hood mercury tilt sensor, gm module. The person said a quarter mile distance is what its rated to, but he thinks it could be longer. any ideas?

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not totally sure if this is the model, but if it is, i'll have it next thurday.. not the one coming up, but the following, all situations permitting..

but i should have the top of the line viper one.. i think its this, its going to be 600 installed.. as soon as i replace all the locks and get my ball joints done.. ball joints are next monday, need to find someone to do all 5 doors labor...

:) ask me in a few weeks.
just saw this one in the new car audio mag. 1.25 mile range.. but the revie after installation said that the remote pager worked fine to 500 feet which is all they tested.. but the remote pager didnt work outside of 100. thats just not right. but im going to call and get more info..

go with the viper. im getting the model that is right under that for $340 installed. It has alarm + remote start but not the cool keypad with the pager. I actually have an alarm with a pager now and I hate it. The thing is always sending stupid false alarms and the battery dies really quick.

If & when I get a real alarm I'm going to make sure I get the pager option. And I will probably go with the one with the greatest range.

I did like the remote that was listed in the first post.

actually i went to go see the remote on sunday. for some reason i was disappointed when i saw it. it is definately small. it is about the same size as my remote now, but twice the thickness. however it felt really cheaply made, very light but weak. im probably still going to go witht he viper, but gotta shop around for better prices.
