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next wheelin trip...

Enumclaw Safeway 8:00am

Kevin will be here by 7 and we'll head to the Enumclaw Safeway by 8am

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Chris and I will meet you guys at Safeway. Forrest said we can park at his parents place so we will unload there and head on up.

Me n FJ Dwight will be across from 410 Cafe at the turn 9am Buckley

Kevin might be out

He just called. His kid, Kenny, broke his leg on a field trip to day. Kevin is on his was to Overlake Hospital in Bellevue to pick him up.:(

If they get home before midnight and some other stars align, he might still be able to make it.

I'll post up before I leave in the morning.

Kevin is definately out

Kenny's Tibia is broken in 2 spots and Fibia in one. They are transfering him to Childrens Hospital tonight and surgery scheduled for tomorrow.

Wish him the best guys :thumbsup:

Yep, I'm out

Kenny's tibia is broken in two spots and the fibia in one. Being transfered to Childrens hospital some time tonight and surgery some time tomorrow.


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iam in

i hope everything goes ok throughout the next couple of days for you kevin, sorry to hear about kenny:thumbdwn:

as for tommorrow iam in and i think jamie will be riding with me. did some last minute hodge-podge fixes that should allow me to run all day tommorow:burnout:

Just got home. Surgery is at 8am. He is still at the hospital and so doped up he didn't even know I was there. Wife will be there shortly and I will be back there about 10 or so.

So, how did that happen??

"You broke Kenny!!! - - You *******!!!!"

Hey, coulda been worse. . .


Just kidding, of course; he's young and hopefully will heal quickly. . .



I know I speak for all of us when I say we wish him a speedy recovery......

And like Phil did it happen?


He is in surgery now. He was on a field trip with his church youth group at Sky High in Bellevue. I guess its a trampoline fun park type of place. He somehow landed wrong on the trampoline, too close to the edge, and either hit the metal frame or something else. Not quite sure as he was pretty doped up by the time I got there and not able to maintain a thought longer than about 15 seconds or so.


Post surgery picture.

That's just not good at all. Kevin, hope he recovers in speedy like fashion and sorry we missed you today.

Here's 3 minutes of snow and brush wacking


He was on a field trip with his church youth group at Sky High in Bellevue. I guess its a trampoline fun park type of place. He somehow landed wrong on the trampoline, too close to the edge, and either hit the metal frame or something else. .

That place has a reputation for broken bones. Trav went there a couple months ago for a friend's birthday and I wasn't very happy when I heard about it.

I hope Kenny feels better quickly and heals up properly.

Damn, that looked like fun. I can't believe Paul was subjecting his body panels to those frozen branches.

Kev -

Hope all works out okay with the boy - - hope the 'Kenny' reference wasn't too over the top... But, its true, young bones do heal better than ours. . . Best wishes to him on a quick recovery.

A fun time today, too bad it rained almost the entire trip, but still a good day to get out.

A few photos. . .

On the Trail.1.JPG

Good snow, just a bit too much rain

Phil had a little issue with his ARB compressor...
Phil Tug.1.JPG

We all (okay, not Ben) needed a tug or two - - even if some were "deliberate" stucks. . . Actually Phil was the "relief vehicle" for this recovery...


Also, many thanks to Ben for knocking down the snow in front of us. . . He definitely got us farther up the trail. We even gave him a nickname. . .

Mr. Plow...

In fact, he got us so far into the backwoods, it started to get a little spooky. . . Then, we heard a distant rumble - - not sure if it was a far-off avalanche, or maybe the guttural growl of some of the Pacific Northwest wildlife; we do have that Sasquatch / Big Foot guy running around somewhere around here. . .

Then, a sighting. . . He was far off in the distance, but still discernable against the background of snow. . . Could it be...? Is it due to the impending Christmas holiday...?

There, there it is!!!!

This is as close as we dared. . .

"Have a Holly, Jolly, Christmas". . .


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