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no 4x4 help


December 26, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
upstate new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 eddie bauer
I just purchased a very used 93 explorer.I invested about $800 after the purchase withthe mindset that it would make a good work vehicle in upstate New York. My primary problem now is the 4x4 is not working. I've spent about $100 on junkyard parts (4x4 modual in rear cargo area and a used transfer case shift motor)neither of which has solved the issue.Worst case I have backups now. There is no response what so ever when I try to turn the 4x4 clunk. no lights.nothing. I took the dashboard bezal off to tinker with the switch. After I did that I was able to notice that regaurdless or not the switch was plugged the 4x4 and the low range lights would come on AFTER I killed the engine, but very dim. I could not tell with the tinted bezal on it. Bottom line I'm going to buy a switch and try the shift motor rebuild 2morrow. But what else could cause this. I would prefer to do this myself for the knowledge but I'm running out of good weather and would like to have 4x4 ASAP. It seems that no electricity is getting to the system. There is no modual clicking. I don't see any leads that could be shorted and the fuse in engine compartment is good. This is driving me crazy. I'm going to rebuild the motor tomorrow and replace the switch just to be sure is there anything else that I can check.(other than wielding a wrench the back of the t-case as a makeshift shifter)LOLThanks in advance I posted this in the newbie section and was pointed here thanks

10th Mountain Division HOOAH
because when I have your wounded

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Brought this down from other post. You said seems no electricity, have you traced the power flow with a multimeter?

no I haven't I would not know where to begin with that. I've come to that conclusion from not recieving any signs of life from motor(s) or the modual, lights anywhere.

10th Mountain Division HOOAH
because when I have your wounded

Good luck, I'm sure other people will post with some ideas. On the subject of the multimeter, if you don't have one you will never regret getting one. You can test for continuity to see if there is a break in the circuit. Or volts among other things. For example I would take the red lead, lets say at the shift motor and see if you infact have power coming in make sure the green lead is grounded on bare metal. Or you can test your switches and celenoids on both sides to see if their working properly. Even with the switch out you can test continuity when switch is closed or open. Then again you may know all this stuff and have one.

You could also use a basic test light to see if you have power. It won't test for continuity though. Sometimes you could pick up a cheap one in a $0.99 cent store. I once bought a cheap continuity tester, and test light in one of these kind of stores.
