No Aftermarket Exhaust for 2000 4.0 OHV ?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No Aftermarket Exhaust for 2000 4.0 OHV ?!


Active Member
February 19, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLS
Hey guys,
ive been trying to find a good aftermarket cat back exhaust for my 2000 explorer (OHV) and i cant seem to find any online !!
Flowmaster has model #17363 which is only for 97-98, and their 2000 is only for v8, same issue with Gibson and the rest...

Any help?

would the flowmaster 17363 kit fit my 2000 4.0 ohv even though its meant for the 97-98 ?

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You're better off taking it to an exhaust shop and having them make you one. I'm betting it will be cheaper than a pre-made cat back.

You're better off taking it to an exhaust shop and having them make you one. I'm betting it will be cheaper than a pre-made cat back.

I tried man, they are actually more expensive :(

how can having something made up be more expensive than something that doesn't exist?

that doesn't make sense....


how can having something made up be more expensive than something that doesn't exist?

that doesn't make sense....


Tell me about it !! i asked for a quote and they took a look at my car and said a 2.5" pipe would cost something between 400-600$ !!!

Tell me about it !! i asked for a quote and they took a look at my car and said a 2.5" pipe would cost something between 400-600$ !!!

What material did they quote? Ther is no way in hell 2.5" pipe would cost that much. The shop you had quote it was just too lazy and didn't wat to do the work.

Was it an independant shop or a chain? Also telling us where you live would help. I'm assuming you are in the USA.

It shouldnt cost that much, both my explorer and my brother in laws Chevy silvarado were quoted 350 bucks for a single in duel out exhaust plus the cost of tips which was optional and from 10-80 bucks a tip. shoot to have em weld me in a just the muffler and a tip was ony 50 bucks lol, I provided the muffler though.

i am the exhaust man

2.5 inch pipe has gone up 70% in the last couple years along with your other sizes. But if your willing to pay 400 dollars for a dual 2.75 exhaust system, Flowmasters, shop will charge you less if you take off the old system first.

Go to a different shop. Exhaust shops are a dime a dozen. I did my exhaust myself (full Y pipe , muffler, ect ect) for less than $300. Buy the muffer, take it to a shop and say you want it welded in with a tail pipe. Bring your own tip as well. Should cost more than $150 at the shop

anyone got any suggestions before i massacre my truck and make it a beetle ?

In my opinion i would take it to a shop and have it done. most shops will do a full cat back system for around 350-450. and they are all welded not clamped like a kit you may order.

well its definately more expensive than the Mac but its whatever makes you happier ^_^ so what do you mean by make it a beetle?

Is your truck a 4door or 2 door? Contact me I sell catback exhaust kits for your ride. email

^^^ James is the man^^^

He will do you right.

Is your truck a 4door or 2 door? Contact me I sell catback exhaust kits for your ride. email

James, as someone that sells both exhausts... would you say the MAC exhaust for my 2000 explorer would be a lot louder than the Gibson ?
