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No audio after new sterio


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Newtown, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer XLT

I just got a harness and changed my stock radio to a Sony one, I connected all the wires on the harness but the orange ones. But I don't hear anything coming from the speakers. When I connected my stock unit it works, I also tried a JVC unit and it was the same thing. Is there something that I have to do? or is it the harness that has a problem?


I'm guessing that you have a rear mounted amp in the truck that you'll need to run a wireing bypass for...

I searched the site and I found out that a person connected the red wire from harness to the blue white wire from amp. He did this on a first gen, should it also work on the second gen?

Yes. On the Ford plug you should have some form of an "amp power" wire. Just wire this into a wire thats hot on ignition and you should be good to go. If not, then just get an amp bypass or do what I did, and make one :D
