No Ding When Lights On Or Drivers Door Open | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No Ding When Lights On Or Drivers Door Open


May 14, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford Explorer V6
I am driving a 1996 Ford Explorer XLT Stock - last week my car no longer dings to let me know I still have my lights on NOR does any of the interior lighting come on when the drivers door is opened up. What could be the cause of this and what can I do to remedy?

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Is the button sticking in the door frame?

Check the wiring to the door button and the fuse.

So nothing happens when you open any of the doors then?

Is the button sticking in the door frame?

Even if the button on door jam is not sticking it can go bad internally. That would be where I'd investigate first and probably is most likely cause. To verify you should be able to jump on harness side to verify ( complete circuit bypassing switch .

Do you know right off which fuse it is?

No, I don't.
But if the interior lights come on with the other doors then it won't be the fuse.
Probably the door switch.

The door switch provides a ground, try grounding the single wire in the back of the switch to see what that does.

They (the door jamb switch) are pretty cheap on Ebay and readily available new.

No, I don't.
But if the interior lights come on with the other doors then it won't be the fuse.
Probably the door switch.

The door switch provides a ground, try grounding the single wire in the back of the switch to see what that does.

Where is the switch located?

Where is the switch located?

I thought you said you checked it?
It's in the door jam opening ..front of it ..near the fender.
Open the door and look towards the fender,,black button.

I thought you said you checked it?
It's in the door jam opening ..front of it ..near the fender.
Open the door and look towards the fender,,black button.

I checked the switch in the door jam. My apology, I read somewhere else about a "switch" that is directly behind the radio to the left and I got confused. Sorry.

Will try this and post back.
