No more wannabe for me | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No more wannabe for me

Well, I finally did it, well after 1000 posts I am elite. I will write more later b/c now it is 630 AM and just got done driving back to atlanta from school.

Here is my X


  • lake view 1.jpg
    lake view 1.jpg
    27.5 KB · Views: 383

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NO more wannabe here either, ELITE is definately the way to go. Love the RIG and by the way how do i post pic's in a thread now???
Thanks, VB.

congrats patrick..
and thanks for helping the site!

vbtruk.. same for you.. thanks and good job. btw.. great sig.

to post pics.. when you go the reply screen there is a little "attach file" section below the main reply field. click "browse" and then pick your image. then submit.
max size is 640x480 and 100kb.

Thanks JASONB well in that case this is my RIG and god i love this site it feels so much better to be ELITE.


  • vb.jpg
    17.2 KB · Views: 348

Tell me it's not true though Milk Juice and maybe COKE only come in 2 Litres!!! Right?


  • vbt.jpg
    23.2 KB · Views: 348

Thats a sweet bull bar/bumper you got going on there. Why is it the Aussies always get the really cool stuff? is it a TJM?

HokieBert, i cant help but laugh cos we can't get **** here compared to what you guy's in the US, really! and i am ussually the one complaining about the US guy's always having the cool stuff. Anyway the BullBar is Ford oficial and cost about $1200 from FORD here.

that is not even a is a cow killer haha....that thing is MASSIVE

You got that right that's why over here they are called BullBars and from what i understand, in the states you call them brush guards or something!!! I love it though.

I just call yours.....HOLY SH%& THAT THING IS MASSIVE

That cool i could'nt stop laughing when i read that GaSouthern1 :D :D :D

I wish Ford had something like that in the US. Will that thing hold a winch?

I would assume so as it is pretty dam heavy and i have seen a couple here with winches on them, how big a winch i don't know though.

TRAITOR!!!!! :p

just in case anyone doesn't know.. he sold his X and drives a _________. anyone want to guess? but at least its 4x4 and he can drive the trails finally!! and its a v8!

j/k patrick... i'm sure your gonna love the new truck!!

Originally posted by jasonb
TRAITOR!!!!! :p

just in case anyone doesn't know.. he sold his X and drives a _________. anyone want to guess? but at least its 4x4 and he can drive the trails finally!! and its a v8!

Oh Jason, you can tell he has an Aztek, so what?:D

dang.. you guessed that quick! good job!

its a durango (so he says!).
