No reverse. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No reverse.


January 9, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Panama City, Panama
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 eddie bauer
Transmission would not shift up and eventually tore apart to find the problem. Found out the torque converter was from a ford arostar. everything in the valve body was stuck from the grime and metal shavings. Cleaned and inspected everything. Only damage was with one set of clutch plates, for which i replaced both stators and rotors. Installed new another rebuilt torque converter, and seems to be fine except that it will not go into reverse now. A problem that didn't exist prior to the teardown. Any suggestions???

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The aerostars had the same motors and transmissions.

As far and reverse goes, maybe you over looked something, actuator bad... It sounds like you are going to have to pull it again.

I was trying to avoid that. What is and where is this actuator? And is there any links that pinpoint the reverse function of automatic transmissions, so i can learn the Theory of operation? I will wait till my bruises and scratches heal before i attempt another Pull.

Did you use a torque wrench when you installed the valve body?

Yes. Why would a valve body not torqued to specs cause no reverse?

The VB can be distorted from not installing it correctly, bolts too tight, too loose etc.

Did you replace the reverse servo o-ring?

No, but i will on the next attempt. I did add a check ball. originally had 4 now has 5. i read somewhere that removing one back to 4 may help, but not sure which one affects the reverse. I am pulling on Tuesday and want to pinpoint the appropriate causes for failure. (REVERSE SERVO O-RING, CHECK BALL REMOVAL). any other suggestions?

I will replace the O-ring and see what we have.

PM me your email and I will send you a pdf. of the ATSG manual. Full of good info. That checkball may be an issue.

There is a trouble shooting section in it.
