No Spark after alot of rain? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No Spark after alot of rain?


November 8, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Harrisburg Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1985 and 86 Rangers
My ranger won't start because there is no spark. it stopped running after a big rain, and i know the plugs and wires are fine. sound like a bad coil? or any other ideas?

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Could be a bad coil, but I would lean more towards a bad connection somewhere that has gotten water in it, assuming the rain caused the no start. So many possibilities.

Which engine?

Any codes in the computer? Some no starts will leave clues in the computer's memory.

Check all ground connections. The computer controls spark, and so anything that gets in the way of that system can cause a no start.

Its the V6 2.8 Liter. I don't think its any of the ground connections. i went thru all the ones i could get too. i'll go thru them again... and there was no codes in the computer.

2.8 or 2.9? I thought '85 was the last year for the 2.8, being replaced in '86 by the fuel injected 2.9. Is it carbed or FI?

Either way, when you say "no codes" do you mean nothing at all or pass (11) codes? No codes at all could mean that the computer isn't getting power. Since The TFI-IV system is tied pretty closely to the rest of the engine management (EEC-IV) system, no power to engine management could easily translate into no spark. Have you verified power and ground to the ICM (aka TFI module)?

Sorry that was probably comfusing. This ranger is the 1985' its a 2.8 Liter carbed. not fuel injected. there is no computer.
I also have the 86 with the 5.0 twin turbo in it and I'm trying to get the 85 running and be able to sell it.

OK, so you have an '85 2.8, which has had the "duraspark" conversion done to it to get rid of the feedback carb, is that right? I'm not at all familiar with the duraspark set up or how that conversion gets set up. I'd still guess that, where it's related to getting wet, that there is a connector that is letting water in and shorting the ignition system out. Beyond that, I'm afraid I can't be much help with that duraspark system.

I had this EXACT same problem with one of my Bronco's. It would take a few days after a big rain for it to run again. I tried everything... in the end it was the duraspark box. They're like $25 at napa.

ok I'll pick up a duraspark box then. $25 isnt too bad. I'll let you know how it turns out
