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No Start


Active Member
March 7, 2012
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2000 North Face Exploder
Right, so it's all connected no plugs left out, reconnected the battery,nothing, there is a small click from a relay behind the dash and all the lights on the dash come on, but the starter is not turning, took the starter out all connections are okay and it spins when shorted accross the terminals, put it back still nothing. Can anyone help?

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Try moving the gear selector. There is an inhibitor switch that stops the starter when not in park or neutral.

Thanks, but I've tried all that, I think I'm going to change the loom from the original engine. It all looks the same and the connectors are the same but who knows, it's the only electrical thing that's different. Only thing I can think of to be honest.

Different years they swapped some of the pin locations for the main loom junction box at the firewall. Before swapping them out you could check the wire colours are in the same position at this point.
I assume your battery is fully charged :)

Yes it is, I think it's the loom, Chris did warn me it may be different but physically they look the same so I didn't. Taking a day off from it today so will do it tomorrow.

hi before changing the loom try running a lead to the starter solinoid (disconect the origanal one )then with ignition on put new lead to a live source(battery) to see if it will turnover and start.
