not smooth idle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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not smooth idle


Well-Known Member
July 27, 2015
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South Florida.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2ford explorers 1999 2000
2000 ford ex EB edition 5.0, I recently changed the following:

spark plugs, gap .54 autolight platinum.

new Motorcraft wires, installed/ran the same way as original.

semi new and cleaned IAC switch. (I thought my was bad, went to j-y and picked out a new/used one to see if there was a difference, there wasn't.)

removed and hand cleaned out IAC and throttle body.

new air filter.

she starts fine, sometimes she starts quick some time it takes a few seconds longer...

no engine codes.

when I start her up she runs at slightly high idle, then she will slow down to idle speed, its like she missing buts she's not. and when I drive she's got power, but when I stop at a light she's not smooth, likes it a miss or something. my wife's 99 ford explorer EB 5.0, is smooth as silk, sometimes feels like motor is not running. anybody have an issue like this?

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Your title is a little odd....
Anyways I bet you have a slight vacuum leak. However one cylinder might be down on compression. Wouldn't hurt to do a compression test on every cylinder and see what you find.

Was it doing this before you changed out the plugs/wires? Did you think to replace the gaskets for the IAC and Throttle Body since you removed them for cleaning? Gaskets take a "set" after time and, as previously stated, you may have created a small vacuum leak by not replacing them with new ones.

Was it doing this before you changed out the plugs/wires? Did you think to replace the gaskets for the IAC and Throttle Body since you removed them for cleaning? Gaskets take a "set" after time and, as previously stated, you may have created a small vacuum leak by not replacing them with new ones.

She was doing the same thing before the change out, that why I did the change out.

Ever get this figured out? I have the same thing going on.

Have you checked for vacuum leaks?

Have you checked for vacuum leaks?

yes sir, found nothing. and it driving me nuts.....even when I drive she has great pick up, but when I come to a light she shakes and feels like a miss here and there.

Wouldn't hurt to throw some water remover in the gas. Have you checked the compression yet?

Wouldn't hurt to throw some water remover in the gas. Have you checked the compression yet?

two bottles of water remover in last sat, compression test tomorrow.
