O.C. Cali Trail run anybody? 07/15/07 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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O.C. Cali Trail run anybody? 07/15/07

does anybody and everybody include j**p owners? a buddy of mine has an older cherokee 4xx4 on 31's and he might want to come. i just dont know how the anti-jeep attitude is here.

hey goblin, what time are you leaving for this? i was thinking of leaving mabye 7:30, i dont know how nortbound traffic is, i dont think it should be too bad goin up there.

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no haters here, we are a friendly bunch...tell your buddy he can bring his jeep :D the earlier the better because you want to make sure you fill up with gas and water for your truck in el toro, also bring water, spare tires, etc ;)

no haters here, we are a friendly bunch...tell your buddy he can bring his jeep :D the earlier the better because you want to make sure you fill up with gas and water for your truck in el toro, also bring water, spare tires, etc ;)

ok. ill leave at 7. that should be plenty of time.


you might also want to take some time tonight and check your air filter....you might be needing a new one tomorrow night when you get home...;)

carlover, goblin, cybergasm...give a shout to confirm tonight ok??? anybody else???

i pm'd you guys my number to call me in the a.m. if you need directions or help...:D

Ok I am ready and the truck is ready. Anyone else gonna go tomorrow morning?:cool:

Or is it just gonna be us 2?

ezeedee already confirmed and he is bringing a friend with a jeep...4 of us so far :D


Sorry i could not make it today i had to reschedule my flight to this afternoon so i could have time to drive from idaho back to denver co to catch my flight home:D boy i am tired right now but looking forward to getting home and sleeping in my own bed tonight:salute:
