Object found in tranny oil pan? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Object found in tranny oil pan?


Well-Known Member
January 24, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer
I just removed the transmission pan from my '98 4wd Explorer sport (SOHC) and found this stuck to the magnet. Any ideas as to what it is?


Also, when I refill the transmission (I'm not flushing it) will filling it through the dipstick for the tranny fill up the tranny pan? Sorry for the newbish question, but this is my first time doing this sort of thing.

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yes the dipstick is how you add fluid

I am not sure what that metal part is, I was NOT expceting to see that when you posted this.....usually there is a little plastic plug flating around in here from the factory.......but a metal clip thingy = ut oh

I was sitting here for a second (on the computer out in my shop) thinking about what it could be... I then pulled out the dipstick for the tranny and figured it out... It's the end of the dipstick. Very odd... wonder how that happened. Any thoughts?

Thanks for the answer to the other question.

dang I knew it looked familiar! It must have just broke
Thank goodness it could have been WAY WORSE

just get a new dipstick :) from the same year and engine ONLY

Previous owner broke it? LOL thats my best guess

Yeah, there's no rust on it at all, so it did simply break. Weird, but yeah... better that than something else. Yup, one of them must have broke it (it has changed hands a few times).

Well, back to work. I want to get this in driving condition here before midnight, LOL! I couldn't get the driver's side catalytic off due to the exhaust bolts being totally stuck (had the same problem when I pulled the engine out of a '96... had to cut the bolts, drill them out and re-tap the holes). Since I didn't want to do that this time (probably a pain with the manifold still mounted in the vehicle), I just dropped the front part of the drive shaft to get the pan out. Now to find that pesky solenoid!
