Obsessed with cleaning? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Obsessed with cleaning?

The definition of true love.....cleaning inside your hubcaps, inside your doorjambs, under the kick panels, taking a Q-tip to the air vents and climbing underneath to hose down your spare with tire wet.

Am I the only one nuts enough to clean places like these? How about you? What have you cleaned that usually gets overlooked? :D

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well I just spent 3 hours on mine. Its the first time in over a year that ive washed it at home. I washed it then i claybarred it then i waxed it. All I gotta say about that claybarring is that it made the paint on my X nice and smooth. Since my X is white I could see the small black dots of debris that dont get removed from normal washing so when I claybarred it i got 99% of those litte things out. Its so smooth. I love the feel of it now. However I still have a whole bunch of swirls that I need to find a way to get rid of.

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Looking good!! Do you have a Pepboys store around you? If so, swing by there and get 3M's Swirl Mark Remover. It's about $10 and it does wonders. Once you applied it, all swirl marks are gone.

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Billy very clean. Good work man

I usally only have time to wash it after school before training and it isnt enough time to do all the extras like those... :(

Looks good Billy! I especially like the front shot with the sun sparkles off the chrome. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Grant and Spas!! I just layered another coat of SG on it. Anyways...I decided to stop on 3 coats because from what I've read from the Autopia forum, 3 coats give the best result. Any more will make it look fake.

Ok89, good work!! Once you get the SMR, it'll make your white look even better! Tell us how it goes...


Have any of you guys used mothers ULTIMATE WAX SYSTEM. It is there three phase system, cleaner, polish and wax.
also, another Marylander so i guess that is 4 now

The Ultimate Wax System is pretty good from what I've heard. But I don't think they'll last long. Probably 3 months max if kept in the garage. If you park outside, it's better if you clay (if you feel roughness on the paint), then lay either Klasse or Zaino. The reason why is because they are synthetic wax made of polymers. They will keep the shine and protection for a long time...at least six months. If Klasse or Zaino don't fit your budget, then you should go to Wal-Mart and get a bottle of NuFinish. They're the cheapest synthetic wax available with promising results. Good luck!!

also, another Marylander so i guess that is 4 now

Okay, sorry to get off topic, but dammit we need more 'splorers to show up at Carlisle, PA, for the all ford nationals on June 1st! Anybody in or around PA, please check this out:Dead Link Removed

Back to topic....96Eddie, thanks for the info on synthetics...yet another thing I didn't know until this site ;) That explains A LOT about wax fade on my truck with some of the products that I've tried.

[VENT] Okay today I wake up and look at the TV and they are talking about how much rain is falling in SE Houston. I'm all happy cause my car won't get dirty because I'm in SW Houston. Well right before I have to leave it starts drizzling then once I'm on the freeway it starts pouring. So I do my business and come home and dry it all off but of course I only have one small terry cloth left and that isnt big enough to dry the whole thing so now the whole thing is moist. [/Vent]

Question: Can I just use the quick detailer and some terry clothes to get it back to looking all pretty?

Yep! As long as your rig doesn't have dirt on the paint. If it does, just use a garden hose and spray it down, dry, then QD.

O.K. this is for Spas, OK89, Grant (my son) or any of the rest of you who have to much time on your hand to be cleaning your vehicle so much.
Your welcome to come over and work on mine, we only have 2 weeks until Moab and look how dirty I got it today.


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Here is a close up of my fine paint job.
I did get it started for you and took it to the car wash so most of it is off.



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Originally posted by '96explorereddiebauer

As for interior, I use Eagle One Protectant Lotion. It's non-oily so it won't give the gloss Armor All gives. Note: never ever use Armor All because it'll kill your paint, literally. .

Do you mean the interior cleaner or the car wash?? I use the Armor All "Interior" and have never noticed any problems.

I'm talking about the Armor All Interior Protector. It contains silicone in it so if you stop using it, the vinyl on your dash will pretty much turn brown. So once you start, you can't stop.

Perry, what's the point of washing your truck now?? You're gonna take it to Moab anyway. It's gonna be dirty before ya know it. But then again...if you pay for my plane ticket, hotel, food, and probably about $15 an hour, it's deal. :p

I wished I could pay you to come out and wash it, but I better just do it myself.
It already is cleaner then it was and as for Moab, it will be clean going there. Last year at Moab I washed it every evening or morning before the next run. We might play in the dirt, but we still look good doing it.

Perry, my friend, that is not mud. THIS is mud :D

(no, that isn't me-I borrowed it from Lizard)


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Not just no , but HELL no. I WILL NEVER take my X through mud like that. NEVER
