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OEM springs and TT


Well-Known Member
September 6, 2000
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City, State
Hopewell, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT AWD
I've been think about it for a while and i really want to put a 2inch lift on my EXPO. I already have OEM shocks and was thinking that i should get oem springs. Has anyone had experience with these products? WIll the truck sit level with the TT? How hard is it? Where..if anywhere could i get someone to do the TT for me, i am very nervous that i will crank them too far and tear up my cv's. Also when you do the TT do you have to get an alignment?

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Do you mean OME?


It'll work perfectly. Thats what they're designed for.

Get the OME leafs for the rear, preferably with bushings installed (you can get rubber or polyurethane), then just crank the torsion bars in front until it matches or is just a bit lower in front than the rear.

I doubt you need worry about twisting them too far- just twist back the other way if the front gets higher than the rear. You wont tear or damage the CVs unless you bash em up or something.

You should be able to get the work done at a suspension shop, or the shop that sells you the springs.

You will need a front end alignment after the work is done- have the shop correct the camber just by sight so the wheels arent tilted too much, then wait a few days for the suspension to settle, then get a professional alignment.

I've been thinking about doing this also. I have bad body roll and the rear of my truck has sagged a bit...it is a bit lower in the rear than the front and is noticeable to the naked eye.

I'm just not sure this is the right approach for me, but I have been leaning towards this option. Are the OME springs the preferred approach for the rear? Where can you purchase these, and are they difficult to install them yourself???

I have the OME leaf springs and I love them.

Keith, how is the ride with the springs, and do you offroad your truck?

I think the ride is fine. It made it a little stiffer in the rear. No complaints with off-road use. Just need a little more height out of the front.
