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Official Sport Trac specific CL finds, post here to help others...

You guys are mean!
On my way to go look at it....

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I had the factory bed cover when I bought the truck and used it only a handful of times before I sold it. It would always get in the way of using the bed for what I needed. I've had the cap for almost a yr and it hasn't come off yet, the only reason it will is when I'm ready to paint the inside and outside.

Like offtrac said, could easily sell it with the demand

Needs a little love but there will soon be an aluminum cover for sale:thumbsup:

How much? I saw the ad said $300 obo.

I have him$300
He did not speak much English and I figured it was still a good deal

Glad someone got that cap! It also matches you truck. I saw it about a week ago and the guy said he would take $250 through text, so you should have texted him an offer lol. Good deal though even for $300. I did some thinking and decided to stick with the factory tonneau cover because I may try to mount bikes over my cover so I don't need a hitch carrier. Any idea what you may want for your aluminum cover?

Cool, still a great price. 1.5"- 2"wide by 3/8" thick foam camper weatherstripping is perfect for out truck to seal it. The bulk head needs two layers to fill the grooves between the bed rails and the bulk head itself or it'll leak up there.

Hoping to get it seated this evening when my wife gets back from running around.
Newtrac, I was hoping you would buy it so I did not:salute:
Thinking $40 for the tonno if that seems reasonable.

Pics in the show off thread

An aluminum tonneau cover, got pictures? You could possibly scrap it for $40+ depending on how much it weighs.

I have a factory tonneau cover, but I just thought an aluminum one may be better. I know members such as Lono puts his cap on in the winter and then takes it off in the summer. Maybe that's something you would want to do. It's up to you but I'd be interested if you still want to sell yours.

Obviously still overpriced but it's always neat finding a modded ST for sale, especially since this one looks pretty damn clean and has low miles.

Wish I could ask 15 for mine lol. But I got my 05 6 years ago with 18,000 miles for 12 grand and I feel like mods only lower the price for the most part

Obviously still overpriced but it's always neat finding a modded ST for sale, especially since this one looks pretty damn clean and has low miles.

Wish I could ask 15 for mine lol. But I got my 05 6 years ago with 18,000 miles for 12 grand and I feel like mods only lower the price for the most part

Looks nice but holy cow that price!

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Nice, but certainly not a "collector's item". I agree with TGtrac05, that most mods narrow the appeal for most buyers.

Gee, I wonder where they got the ideas for the raptor style lights on an ST and the MegaWarrior mounted with four round lights. I think that might be the basket and lights I sold to another member a couple years ago. That Trac does look familiar. WAY too expensive!!

Ha that's what I was thinking too with the lights

Some more goodies from CL:

Ford Sport Trac Bed Extender Cargo Cage - $150 O.B.O.$150

Ford bed extender came off a 04 sport trac ...selling it cheap ..60 bucks

Bed extender is $50 Factory Roof rack rails are $75 these are cross bars

Ford explorer sport trac bed extender - $125 (Milton)

2003 ford explorer sport trac bed extender - $75 (moss point)

Factory OEM Hard Tonneau Cover For Ford Explorer Sport Trac - $100 (Belle Vernon Area)

Just tried calling on tonneau cover in Pittsburgh but someone beat me to it. DAMN!!!! :mad:

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Don't worry, they pop up fairly often, caps on the other hand are hard to find around here. I'll keep a look out. What else are you looking for?

Thanks again Valas, today worked out for both of us. This cold weather can leave anytime though. LOL
