oil filter failure | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oil filter failure


Evil Asian
Elite Explorer
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EF Vendor
March 3, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Elkridge, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 4Runner, 22 Silverado
Just changed my oil today on my X. After finishing up, I started and I could hear a noise from the engine compartment. So I shut off the truck to investigate and when I looked underneath, I notice it was leaking oil around the filter. It was only on for maybe 5 seconds before I shut it off. I figured maybe I didn't tighten the filter enough even though I did it hand tight. So I placed a wrench on it and turn it about 1/4. Started it back up and it was still leaking so I went back underneath and starting draining once again. After going through the oil change for a second time, I checked it for leaks and stuff and it was fine.. I let it run for a good 15 minutes. The only thing I noticed was smoke from the oil being burned on the pipes. Upon further investigations, I looked at the oil filter and low and behold the rubber gasket around the filter had a slice in it. Could this have caused the oil to leak and does anyone think any damage occured when I started it up the first time or the second time. I'm seriously thinking about contacting the manufacturer of the filter to see what they will do. The cut in the gasked is very apparent. I just wish I noticed it first before I put in on the engine.

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Did you lubricate the gasket on the oil filter before you installed it?

Originally posted by Alec
Did you lubricate the gasket on the oil filter before you installed it?

Yup always lube it plus the internal threads on it.

Originally posted by DesertSpive
Did you accidentally double gasket it? That is a very common error.

Nope. I cleaned off the oil filter housing prior to placing the new filter on it.

Well then, you probably just had a bad gasket!

Originally posted by Alec
Well then, you probably just had a bad gasket!

Yeah I probably did. Hell I just wish it wasn't me.. Scared the F*ck out of me. It ain't fun when the engine is running and all you see is oil spraying everywhere on the underbody.

I understand, at least it was an easy problem to fix. That's why your always careful right after an oil change ;)

As long as the engine never ran out of oil it was not damaged at all.

Let me ask, What Brand of Oil Filter was it?

Originally posted by CBoug76
Let me ask, What Brand of Oil Filter was it?


Motorcraft is usually fairly good, but I am Fram guy myself. The sure grip is the best oil filter I've used :)

fram???? from what I've seen on that oil filter study, fram is one of the biggest P.O.S.'s out there, I spend the extra on the Mobil1 Filter.

:chug: :chug:

Originally posted by JGAMBLE
fram???? from what I've seen on that oil filter study, fram is one of the biggest P.O.S.'s out there, I spend the extra on the Mobil1 Filter.

:chug: :chug:

Fram in my opinion are poorly manufactured. Hell I'll take a Puralator over a Fram any day.

I use Mobil 1 on the mustang and explorer. Only had a gasket spit oil once, and it was my fault! (double gasket)

I think you will be just fine other than the mess. I use Motorcraft too. At least you didn't go to Monkey Lube and have them double gasket the filter only to fail on the freeway:eek:

Yeah, Motorcraft. I've used the for years and at $2.95 at WalMart, you can't go wrong.

My Walmart sells them for $2.77 each!

I use motorcraft, got good test results, and their cheap!

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