Oil filter(s) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil filter(s)


Well-Known Member
November 8, 2007
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City, State
Plymouth, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer/SHO
So who else hates ford for putting multiple motorcraft filters for the 5.0. I went to wally world for oil this morning and noticed they put FOUR oil filters in their list. I grabbed the FL 1A, same one the SOHCs use ( i remember this from mine). The "auto techs" said thed go with that one to because it filters more oil. will this be ok, or do i need one of the smaller ones??

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The V8's don't use the FL1As, they use the FL820S.. For the deeper capacity oil filters.. there is a Motorcraft one, just can't remember the number.

Yea, i had the 820s in my hand with the 1A, should i go back and get it?

The FL1A doesn't even share the same thread size. The V8 is 22x1.5mm and the FL1A are 3/4-16. A quick search found out that Wix does have the tallest filter at over 4" inches vs some of the other 22x1.5mm filters like the ones in the 07 Chevy full size.

Alright, ill go grab the 820s thanks for the response guys!!
