Oil leaking after Filter Change! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil leaking after Filter Change!


Active Member
December 31, 2000
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I can't believ it and i'm freaking out becuase my oil filter spit oil all over the place. The truck ran for at least 10 minutes......never overheated and was still leaking oil when i shut it down. I made a HUGE mistake leaving it unattended for that while. I hope i did not damge the motor! Does anyone think it got damaged? the temperature outside around here is like 0' ...really. Cold. I hope it's ok....i love that damn truck.

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it should be fine, just find out why it is leaking and get that fixed.
make sure the seal from the old filter is not stuck onto the block and causing the new filter to not seal properly, this happned to my dad once when he was changing the oil in his stang, and made a huge mess.
good luck!

It is probably ok. Was the engine tapping? Also why is it leaking oil? DId the old gasket stick to the block?

Don't you hate when that happens? How much was left in the oil tank?

I would pull the filter and take a look at (1) its gasket and (2) the seating surface.

Good luck.

Keep us posted.

Check the screw stud thing (where the filter attaches to the engine). When I replace the filter on my Ranger 4.0, the screw comes out with the filter, and I have to screw it back into the engine.
