ok here is the new access hole for the fuel pump | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ok here is the new access hole for the fuel pump

^^ Yes, moved from the lake to town about 3 years ago.

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Were you able to get the capet layed back down and tucked in like nothing ever happened? This is my only hessitation...

yes just remove the front passenger seat and the one right 2nd row seat then peel back the carpet you might have to remove the B-pillar trim and seat belt bolt other than that you can`t even tell I had it apart:D

I don't get it. My 1993 Honda Civic, and 1995 Toyota Land Cruiser has a Factory access panel under the rear seat. Most Nissan's, Honda's, and Toyota's do this at the factory. Why does Ford and Chevy not do it?

I don't get it. My 1993 Honda Civic, and 1995 Toyota Land Cruiser has a Factory access panel under the rear seat. Most Nissan's, Honda's, and Toyota's do this at the factory. Why does Ford and Chevy not do it?

Because Ford likes to give us a challenge and Chevy sucks? :D

I don't get it. My 1993 Honda Civic, and 1995 Toyota Land Cruiser has a Factory access panel under the rear seat. Most Nissan's, Honda's, and Toyota's do this at the factory. Why does Ford and Chevy not do it?

I know at least some GM cars have them, but I have never seen one on a Ford. :(

I know at least some GM cars have them, but I have never seen one on a Ford. :(

The s197 series mustangs have them (2005-2010).. You pull the rear seat and then you have direct access to the pickup/pump in both tanks through access panels. Makes life easier when you need to replace a sending unit.. But the car smells like gas for a day or so when your done.


great idea.

Did this on my brothers focus. Why there isnt a access panel is beyond me.

Cutting a hole like that has to weaken the floor pan area, I would personally do it properly if its my car.

I don't get it. My 1993 Honda Civic, and 1995 Toyota Land Cruiser has a Factory access panel under the rear seat. Most Nissan's, Honda's, and Toyota's do this at the factory. Why does Ford and Chevy not do it?

ford does it on some cars, mustangs, explorer tank even on jackstands from gen 3 to 4 can be done with a set of jackstands and a floor jack in about 20 min.

waskly - Are you saying you can go from vehicle on the ground to vehicle on the ground in 20 minutes>? Seriously????

See, my major issue, is that Explorers are very sensitive to vacuum leaks in the fuel system. When I researched what wound up being a bad fuel cap (go figure, and seriously, buy the factory one. I dunno why, but there is a difference), I found out that like an .020 hole can bother the computer system. That is like the thickness of a guitar string.

I have dropped tanks before.

I know that there are usually several hoses attached, and I would have concerns that something didn't get snugged enough, and wham - there's a leak.

That, and how badly stuff can get corroded and filled with road crap, seems like a no-brainer to just make an access port, reach in, yank it, and be done...


The s197 series mustangs have them (2005-2010).. You pull the rear seat and then you have direct access to the pickup/pump in both tanks through access panels. Makes life easier when you need to replace a sending unit.. But the car smells like gas for a day or so when your done.


And you know what - that "design" is a direct copy off of BMW. BMW has had such access in most, if not all of their Product line for YEARS. In fact, many design changes and/or "upgrades" to the 2005-current Mustangs mimick the same from the BMW car line as well. The Mustang's manual shifter mechanism & linkage, the entire front control arm design now, the new battery location, exhaust shielding under the floor pans, cabin filters and aspects of the rear suspension, etc... Even the texture and materials used within the interior now are higher quality and "like" those used in the Euro line.

It's GREAT Ford has "changed" and implemented many such characteristics & design upgrades which make working on them even better now than before.

IMO, Ford should have had fuel pump access panels in many of their product lines YEARS ago - instead of having to do an antiquidated R&R by having to drop fuel tanks...

waskly - Are you saying you can go from vehicle on the ground to vehicle on the ground in 20 minutes>? Seriously????

See, my major issue, is that Explorers are very sensitive to vacuum leaks in the fuel system. When I researched what wound up being a bad fuel cap (go figure, and seriously, buy the factory one. I dunno why, but there is a difference), I found out that like an .020 hole can bother the computer system. That is like the thickness of a guitar string.

I have dropped tanks before.

I know that there are usually several hoses attached, and I would have concerns that something didn't get snugged enough, and wham - there's a leak.

That, and how badly stuff can get corroded and filled with road crap, seems like a no-brainer to just make an access port, reach in, yank it, and be done...


i dunno last time i cut metal sparks flew everywhere.... i had cars which has no gaskets installed from prior fuel pump repairs. you really thing i would cut a hole and blow myself up with sparks from fuel vapors..... or cut into the tank. yeh no.

and honestly, for me, on a lift, its 5 min to take out and put in a fuel pump. 20 min if i had to do it on the floor with a floor jack and jack stands.

Just finished the fuel pump replacement. My son came over and helped me, we went through the floor. Used a hole saw, rip saw with metal cutting blade, 1/16" sheet metal plate and rubber sealant and self tapping screws. Longest part of the job was taking the seats out and putting them back in. Was able to take pics of the job, not sure how to download them to this site. Once the carpet is moved out of the way, you want to look for the weld seam just behind the front seat, this is your referance piont to locating the spot to open up the floor. There is a small axcess hole with a plug just back from the weld strip, this is the second point to look for. Remove the plug, look inside and forward for the back edge of the fuel pump. Using the 2 points you can figure out the size of hole you need to cut. I ended up with a 8x9". You will need a flat blade and a rubber hammer to unspin the top of the fuel pump,unplug the 2 connectors, and rotate the pump as you lift it out. Just reverse the order to install the pump. I prefit the cover plate and marked the outline with a marker to show where to put down the sealant. Used the self tapping # 8 s to hold every thing down. Just a note used bunji cords to hold the carpet back out of the way. If you want pics, drop me a shout and i can try to send them. I'm not the best at this computer, as i would like to be. Hope this helps Pete
