Ok...quick question...i hope | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ok...quick question...i hope


Well-Known Member
February 4, 2000
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City, State
Silver Spring, Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
I have a 93 with the JBL system. I added a pioneer DEH 4100 about 2 weeks ago. When i turn the volume up about half way i hear distortion. I think this could be 1 one 3 things.
1. The head unit puts out 22 watts RMS, the amp puts out 15 watts. Could the head unit be sending the amp more power than it's supposed to put out, therefore causing distortion??
2. The stock speakers are weak. are they just being over powered?
3. Is the amp turning the head unit's 22 watts into 37 by adding 15 watts?? and then causing the speakers to be over powered??

Thanks alot i am planning on replacing the speakers very soon so i am trying to figure this stuff out

1993 2DR Eddie Bauer
Stull Billet Grille
Hella 550's

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I might add something for you. I have about $3000.00 in stereo in my 91 EB. More than likely the speakers do need to be replaced. Also when ever an amp is hooked up to a radio, it cancels the power that the radio puts out, supposedly. The change in the radio does clean the sound up, meaning the radio does put out some output. You may want to check into some high quality speakers. I put 6-1/2's in all my doors. Mine sounds VERY good. Hope this helps and you have good luck with it. Let me know if you would like some more advice.

my email knight@premier.net

okay so I guess i need to buy one of those amp bypass wiring harnesses. Does anyone know where i can get one?? Would it be easier just to take out the old amp?? Thanks

I had the same problem you did when I replaced my stock unit with a more powerful aftermarket unit. Whenever I turn up the volume, the speakers would sound blurry...like it couldn't take the power. I already changed all four speakers by the way.
So, I asked my local stereo shop, and they said that the radio is overloading the factory amp.
My options were to either buy buy a sound controller that connects to the factory wires which enable you to lowers the radio output so that the amp can take it, or just rewire it all togeter.
I went for the rewiring, and my problems were solved. The power delivered to the speakers now comes directly from the unit, and not the factory amp, which in turn delivers clearer and crisper sound.
I hope this helps. Dead Link Removed

Okay I guess i need to rewire this thing. So where do I rewire it?? At the head unit?? Or at the amp?? Do i need to buy a wiring harness?? I probably do. I am gonna install some new amps and woofers in the next few weeks so i guess i gotta do something about the factory amp. thanks

Firstly, you do need to upgrade your speakers for better power handling.

Secondly,: Yes, the reason you're getting all that distortion is because you have a high level signal entering into your stock amp. Amps are only made to take in a line-level, RCA signal. When you play your radio at low levels, the amped signal that your radio puts out is low enough for the amp to think it's a line-level signal. Once you turn up your radio, the signal is too much for the amp, this will shorten the amps life.

Two options:
You need to bypass the amp and power the speakers from the head unit, or allow a line level signal to enter the factory amp to power the speakers as normal.

Different companies that can help you with this are:
www.pie.net www.soundgate.com www.go2pac.com
Some auto parts stores may have them too, as well as Crutchfield and car audio shops.

All of these components work the same.
Here's what's happening:
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You're not really getting 37 watts, it's not really added. What you're getting is 15 watts of distorted sound. Dead Link Removed

Hope this helps you.

[This message has been edited by JTang (edited 04-05-2000).]

All you need to do is get the factory amp bypass plug. All you do is unplug the input and output plugs on the stock amp in the back and plug them together with the bypass plug. The plug sgould only run about $10 or so. I've installed many headunits in explorers and this was always a problem. Hook the plug up and you should be good to go.

99 XLT 4x4
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Thanks alot for you help. I'll get that bypass thing soon. Does mmxpress.com sell them??
