One Marine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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One Marine


Elitus Explorus
September 7, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
White City, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT 4x4
A large group of Iraqi soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a
Voice call from behind a sand dune.

"One United States Marine is better than ten Iraqis!"

The Iraqi commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune,

Whereupon a gun battle breaks and continues for a few minutes, then silence.

The voice then calls out "One United States Marine is better than one

Hundred Iraqis!"

Furious, the Iraqi commander sends his next best 100 troops over the

Dune and instantly a huge firefight commences. After 10

Minutes of battle, again silence.

The American voice calls out again "One United States Marine is better

Than one thousand Iraqis!"

The enraged Iraqi Commander musters one thousand fighters and

Sends them across the dune. Cannons, rockets and machine guns ring out

As a huge battle is fought. Then silence. Eventually one wounded Iraqi

Fighter crawls back over the dune and with his dying words tells

His commander,

"Don't send any more men, it's a trap. There are two of them!"

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Lewis Grizzard did this ( except he used one Confederate soldier ) years ago. Its still great in the variation, thanks for posting.

hehehe. thats awesome!



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LOL, 3 can take the whole country....:D

:p thats awsome
