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Opinions needed.


Well-Known Member
August 8, 2002
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City, State
St. Louis
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Eddie Bauer
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What do you think of this. I have never heard of the force II. Does anybody know what series it would sound like and with this kit is there any welding required to put onto a 1992 Eddie Bauer.

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the Force II exhausts use 40 series mufflers which are the loudest mufflers you can find, they wont sound like crap on a v6, but they will sound just a tad ricey. you'd be better off buying a gibson exhaust if they make one, it'll run you cheaper and will sound better

I don't think welding is required, but it is recommended. You could bolt it up yourself and take it to your local exhaust shop for them to weld up for $10-20.

what Alec said, welding is not required, the kit will come with the hangers welded on already and it will also come with clamps, not positive on a Y pipe if there is one needed

I dont think it would have a Y-pipe since it is a cat back system. The Y-pipe is before the cat.

Opinion: If you want one, I would bid on it, but pay attention to how much it would cost just to go to a muffler shop and get the same basic thing from them. People bidding on Ebay have a tendency to not pay attention to how much something is worth, and then end up bidding too much. Figure out how much it is worth, then set a limit and don't get tricked into bidding too much. JMO

The price is already too much IMO. You could get a custom catback at your local shop for around $200.

Alec never sleeps, fear him!
