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Opinions on another Explorer.


Well-Known Member
July 29, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Belmont, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT V-8

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This is a top loaded limited with captain chairs in the 2nd row, DVD, Nav, v8. You can't get anything more on that. I have "mechanically" the same 06 Eddie Bauer. Since it's 06, you will want to replace the spark plugs ASAP since it has just 78k miles, so you have a chance of not breaking any of them in the head, but if you do there are solutions.
That was #1 issue. #2 is warping exhaust manifolds, more of a nuisance than a problem, at start you will hear a ticking which goes away for most part after 30 seconds. #3 are bearings, Explorer eat them for breakfast, but you can do them yourself especially the fronts. #4 may be the ABS ring on rear half shafts, and then other small issues. I have 176k miles on mine without major issues (besides the ones I listed above).
I would go for it. Maybe knock off some $$$ if you can.

I appreciate it. I'm going to look at it tomorrow. What do you think the car is worth? I was thinking of $12500 to start the negotiations.

Based on the stated info on that web page you linked, Kelly Blue Book put the value at somewhere at about $16,500.00. You could start at $12,500.00.

$14K would be a great deal on this truck, right between your number & his. If you tow, take a peak at the hitch wiring to make sure its all in working order. Looks like the plug has been changed out for some reason. Otherwise, looks like a great truck.

And if you ever want to swap the second row out for a bench, let me know.... :^)

In comparison, I just bought a 2006 V8 Ltd, the week before Christmas, for $8500. It has 125k miles on it. It ran great and everything worked. I did, already, spend $800 on getting the exhaust mani's resealed and there are a few little dings on the exterior but it pretty much looks and drives like a new vehicle. I also had my local chassis guru give it the once over and aside from needing a bit of an alignment it is good to go. It does not have the Nav or entertainment stuff, but I am just as glad for that, There is sufficent wizardry remaining to keep me paranoid enough.


Well I went to check the Explorer out yesterday and the dealer said that it was in the shop for "routine service." I called today to see if it was done so I could take a look at it. He told me that it was up on the lift today getting worked on. I asked why it was on the lift and he called me back to tell me that it was running a little rough and that they were going to replace the transmission control module. And if that didn't work they were going to have to replace the whole transmission. I did read of some people complaining about transmission and radiator problems on this year Explorer on consumer reports. Should I not even bother with looking at it and stay away because of this or is this a good thing that it is getting fixed now? It just makes me a little nervous that its already having such a big problem before I even look at it.
