Opinions on Dayton Timerline A/T Tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Opinions on Dayton Timerline A/T Tires

I just got back from the tire place and they are holding a set of 31x10.50 Dayton Timberline A/T tires for me. I was going to get the BFGs but that is a special order for this place and that raises the price a lot. I want to deal only with this compnay due to their great customer service and connections with workers. Has anyone had experience with these Dayton tires? I only have a few days to change my mind. Thanks.:D

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MAYSVILLE huh... I just grew up on the other side of the river pretty much. As for the Daytona tires, I have only had experiance with there street tires. When I ran there street tires I had no problems with them at all. They worked well in the rain and great on dry roads. I was also looking at those tires to replace my stock tires but then decided to go with a lift and 33's. I hope this helps.

Where did you grow up at? Yeah, Im doing a shackle/spacer lift and 31s.....I was going to get the Mastercraft Courser M/Ts, I already have the A/Ts and have liked them. The M/Ts look awesome, but I do spend a lot of the time on the road, for now anyways!:D

I had the Firestones replaced with the Timberlines on my '98 2wd Sport. Ran them one winter and one summer. Decent in the snow concidering I was only 2wd. Gripped well on the wet pavement too. Over all, I'd give them a 7 1/2 out of 10.

Here is a picture so you don't think I'm BSing you...


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I've had a set on for a year and a half. Same size as you're planning on buying. They are a nice quite tire on the highway and do pretty well off road. I haven't had them in snow but they do well in wet. I'd recommend them for the price.


I grew up in Mt. Orab. Its about an hour from Ripley right up the 68. I also have family that lives in the Corbin KY area.

I used to go to the tobacco festivel every year cause we (my family) have raised the crop for around 60 years or so.

Dont have to much fun out there and I hope it finaly gets warm enought to go out side with out the carharts on. Oh yea let us know how the farmers daugthers are doing this year at the festivel.


Haha....I know exactly what you are talking about.....I know one farmers daughter that is doing good.....I just left her house! haha. Man its weird to meet someone that is that close to Maysville. Ive got my Carhart in the closet now.....out on the crotch rocket today with short sleeves....dumb but I was just playin around! If you ever come back the way give me a hollar and we can see about some fourwheelin. Later.:D
