opinions on silver?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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opinions on silver??


Well-Known Member
July 24, 2011
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Shelton, CT
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2013 Limited(lemon swap)
They are having trouble finding a car in the color I want, but they located a silver one with a black interior.

Standard wheels
towing package.

Not sure if I like silver or not.

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They are having trouble finding a car in the color I want, but they located a silver one with a black interior.

Standard wheels
towing package.

Not sure if I like silver or not.

My new Sport is Ingot Silver, I went and looked at silver on the lot and really enjoyed it. It's plain, but elegant, and you can customize with either silver, chrome, or black accents and accessories depending on your personal tastes.

That being said, I probably would have got the Grey if it was offered on the Sport model.

Silver it is, will be getting it in a few days hopefully.

Silver it is, will be getting it in a few days hopefully.

Wow.. glad i have that much influence on people ;)
Look forward to pics!

Silver it is, will be getting it in a few days hopefully.
I have had a couple of silver Highlanders and I think next to my white Explorer, silver is one of the best colours to not readily show dirt/dust etc.
Good luck with your new vehicle when it comes in. :thumbsup:


I think the chrome accents complement the vehicle the best with the Ingot Silver color. If the Ex were my car, it would have been between the Ingot and the Sterling. My car now is close to the Sterling color (mines a little bit lighter), so I might have gone lighter...

Silver is the fastest
Silver gets less tickets because cops admire it on the way by
Silver is a chick magnet
Silver is distinguished

Nuff said.... :D

Get what you want ...... Not what they have available

our xlt is silver and we love it! it matches the grill, (any other color in xlt would not) the silver matches the painted rims and prettey much everything else on the vehicle

Silver gets less tickets because cops admire it on the way by

I have to say the GREEN is the same way - they're trying to figure out if it's black or green! :)

Be sure to check the silver for flaws before accepting delivery. My 2012 had what is called seeding in the paint and Ford refused to do anything except repaint. The dealer I had wanted to make his customer (me) happy and he replaced the ex with another that did not have the problem. Will be dealing with them in the future.

Hi Ho Silver!! Love mine! :thumbsup:

I will be getting an Ex in the next couple weeks....silver is my first choice, gray second and black third.

Hey, never mind the color, its got the high tech 302A package. I'm so spoiled that I'll never get another vehicle w/o those features. Some of those bells & whistles aren't even available on the Sport model.
Congrats on your new Christmas present!

I will be getting an Ex in the next couple weeks....silver is my first choice, gray second and black third.
I have had a couple of silver vehicles and loved them. My Ex is white and I think those two colours are the best for not showing dirt and dust as readily, especially at a distance, plus they tend to stay cooler in the sun. Put a black and a white side by side in the sun and you'd be surprised at the difference.
Good luck.


I have had a couple of silver vehicles and loved them. My Ex is white and I think those two colours are the best for not showing dirt and dust as readily, especially at a distance, plus they tend to stay cooler in the sun. Put a black and a white side by side in the sun and you'd be surprised at the difference.
Good luck.

My last 2 vehicles have been gray which is why I wanted Silver for a change. I do still like gray. Either color will be OK with me. The black is a metallic which looks neat but I do worry about it looking dirty so only a last resort third choice.

Had a 2011 Silver and it was a great color, our 2013 is White like it too. Neither show the road salt very much here in Minnesota.

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