Optima Yellow top | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Optima Yellow top

Diff Whack Daddy

And the Roll Over Posse! Under the Hood Moderator
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 19, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Mount Vernon, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1st Gen XLT 4dr
I just picked up an Optima Yellow top dual post for $151 tax free and no shipping. Sometimes it pays to shop at the Navy Ezchange. Actually it's an Interstate battery, but the sticker is the only thing that says that. The plastic battery case has Optima stamped in it.

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Hi Kevin,
I got one too. They are actually made by Optima, they just put the Interstate name on it to sell them. Funny thing is they are cheaper to buy than if you just buy the Optima only name.

Hi guys,
I've been wondering if a deep discharge, trolling type battery would work like a yellow top for winching. Any ideas on this?

The yellow top is actually a dual purpose battery. It is the one recommended by the Optima web page for vehicles w/ winches and extra llighting.

Hi Mac,
I'm talking about a Champion battery like you buy at Sam's club.
They are for starting AND trolling, so it sounds like they should work reasonably well for about a third the price. I must be missing something about batteries because that seams too good to be true.
