Ordering '13 Sport and others | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ordering '13 Sport and others


April 12, 2013
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2020 ST 2nd time around
Wife and I have pretty much decided the Sport is the next car. Hate dealing with salesman etc, and we've been able to get in and out to two dealers with no headaches. 1st dealer sales person was quite excellent and personable, told him what we wanted to know and do and we did it. No hassle no pressure nothing.....we will probably go back to him.

Now checking inventory there was only one dealer in town that had a sport in stock. Wanted to see if the 3.5 TT was worth it or not. So we walk in, looked like they were doing some sort of training, took about 10 mins. of sitting around, until we could finally walk up to a sales person and ask for help (strange right?!) So explain we wanted to look at a Sport, he says ok walks us out. As we are going out, explain that we wanted to see what the Plat. White and Silver colors looked like (all they had was red for the sport) So We check those out and I say "Ya we'd like to test drive it" so he says sure, it should be open, look what you want etc, he shows back up with the keys and says, go out the lot, do 4 right turns and you'll end up back here, and throws us the keys. He doesn't know our name, no nothing, just hands us the keys (should we have kept driving?!?!?!?)

Real quick, back to looking at the colors, there was an EX in the dark grey and I make a comment that I'd wish the Sport came in that. He states, Well if you order from the factory you can have any color you want in the line. It's like starting from scratch, Just pick whichever color you want and your good to go. Someone tell me this is true !!!!!!!

Anyways, we sit down and I say, with the combination of options we want we'd have to order, when is the last day to order a '13 and take advantage of the current incentives. He says some things that don't make sense, explain again what I'm asking and he says hold on. He goes and confers with someone, and he says, well you see they are always making '13s but the '14 will be out in June, and well we can just find the car you want somewhere. I ask again....when's the last date to order a '13, and he says we can order at anytime.

So after all that long explanation, obviously that sales person will not be getting my business, most likely that dealer won't either.

But can someone answer, when is the last point we can order for a '13 model. And how bad of a price uptick is there going to be on the '14?

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I think today! But that might not be true for the sport since it was a mid year release. The 12th of this month which is today is the last day to order a 13 I think i read someplace in here.

As for the colors, I think you have four options. I would suggest building a sport on ford.com to see what you can get exactly.

Wife and I have pretty much decided the Sport is the next car. Hate dealing with salesman etc, and we've been able to get in and out to two dealers with no headaches. 1st dealer sales person was quite excellent and personable, told him what we wanted to know and do and we did it. No hassle no pressure nothing.....we will probably go back to him.

Now checking inventory there was only one dealer in town that had a sport in stock. Wanted to see if the 3.5 TT was worth it or not. So we walk in, looked like they were doing some sort of training, took about 10 mins. of sitting around, until we could finally walk up to a sales person and ask for help (strange right?!) So explain we wanted to look at a Sport, he says ok walks us out. As we are going out, explain that we wanted to see what the Plat. White and Silver colors looked like (all they had was red for the sport) So We check those out and I say "Ya we'd like to test drive it" so he says sure, it should be open, look what you want etc, he shows back up with the keys and says, go out the lot, do 4 right turns and you'll end up back here, and throws us the keys. He doesn't know our name, no nothing, just hands us the keys (should we have kept driving?!?!?!?)

Real quick, back to looking at the colors, there was an EX in the dark grey and I make a comment that I'd wish the Sport came in that. He states, Well if you order from the factory you can have any color you want in the line. It's like starting from scratch, Just pick whichever color you want and your good to go. Someone tell me this is true !!!!!!!

Anyways, we sit down and I say, with the combination of options we want we'd have to order, when is the last day to order a '13 and take advantage of the current incentives. He says some things that don't make sense, explain again what I'm asking and he says hold on. He goes and confers with someone, and he says, well you see they are always making '13s but the '14 will be out in June, and well we can just find the car you want somewhere. I ask again....when's the last date to order a '13, and he says we can order at anytime.

So after all that long explanation, obviously that sales person will not be getting my business, most likely that dealer won't either.

But can someone answer, when is the last point we can order for a '13 model. And how bad of a price uptick is there going to be on the '14?
Welcome to the Forum crzipilot. :wavey:

I have posted the date a few times and even have a thread entitled as such.
The last date to order a 2013 is today, April 12th. Orders for the 2013 close after today. Production of the 2014 models will begin in early June.
The only colours available for the Sport are Ruby Red, Ingot Silver, Tuxedo Black and White Platinum Tri-Coat.
Obviously the salesman doesn't know his business.
Good luck.


Yup...I know he didn't know, but I was fantasizing on getting the dark grey in a sport.

So with what options and such we want I would bet there isn't one anywhere with the specifics we want, so I guess we will be left to a '14.

Anyone know what the uptick in price is going to be?

Yup...I know he didn't know, but I was fantasizing on getting the dark grey in a sport.

So with what options and such we want I would bet there isn't one anywhere with the specifics we want, so I guess we will be left to a '14...

Hi crzipilot,

I wanted to touch base with you and see how the hunt is going. :) If you decide to order a 2014, send me a PM with your order number and dealer name; I'll be happy to give you weekly updates on your Explorer's status.

If you have any questions, just let me know!


thanks Crystal,

I guess we need to go look at it and find what the pricing on that is going to be etc....

I'll let you know.


thanks Crystal,

I guess we need to go look at it and find what the pricing on that is going to be etc....

I'll let you know.


Hi crzipilot,

Yep, your local dealership will be the best resource for pricing right now. Once the 2014 models hit our website, you'll be able to get pricing information here: http://www.ford.com/suvs/explorer/pricing/.

