over 100mph in an explorer | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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over 100mph in an explorer

I had mine at a little over 110 once .. Didnt feel safe going any more than that.... I think that was a week after i bought the truck and was "testing" everything.

I have to admit for an SUV with a v6 the things got some decent power.

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I've reached 105+ mph recently. I turned off the OD and punched it. I must say it got to 100 pretty fast. Well, faster than I had anticipated. At around 105 mph the RPM was around 5500 or so. I hit rev limiter 3 times before I slowed down. The truck was pretty stable at high speed... surprisingly.

I hit 104 mph in my 94 going past the radar things the cops put out at 3200 rpm's.
In my lumina it hit the rev limiter at 112mph still gaining speed when it hit.
Hit 128 mph in my cousin camaro z28.

Does anyone know what the 5.0 are governed at. I have a 1997 5.0 and hit 110 driving to the hospital in Las Vegas but never really had the desire to go any faster...trying to make this truck last lol

LOL you guys are all nuts, i havent even ever gone over 80, its a 6 thousand pound suv its not a race car. i did take my old 1999 accord to about 115 once, on a windy canyon road:)

had my 04 4.0L at about 115 once for like 2min it handled rather well for a truck no shaking at all i run bridgestone A/T revos i dont think i would do it again god forbid you have to make any type of panic move you can kiss you and the truck good bye

LOL you guys are all nuts, i havent even ever gone over 80, its a 6 thousand pound suv its not a race car. i did take my old 1999 accord to about 115 once, on a windy canyon road:)

You're 2000 pounds over weight on your SWAG.

ive gotten mine up to and past 100 quite a few times. fastest ive gotten it was 110 on the highway and 113 at lowes motor speedway. I also have a vid getting up to 90 then 100 then 95. once my OD kicks in at about 95 it just crawls up to 100 lol
heres the vid


The fastest I have ever had mine was 100. I was on my way back to school in Nashville and had taken the overdrive off. At 100 it either shut off or shifted into overdrive, not sure which one, but the overdrive was back on the next time I looked down.

says right on my driver's side door 6,180lbs total combined front and rear weight

That's the combined weight of the X and your max payload.

I've barely touched the needle to 100 for a second after I finished my SAS. Even with a solid axle and 33" mud tires, it was very stable and I would have continued if I wasn't in a busy area where I was worried about being caught.

OTH, I break 100 at least once every time I take my bike out (exempting commuting). It gets there quicker than most cars get to 60 so a burst over 100 and then braking back to the limit happens in the blink of an eye. Have hit 140-150 several times but it's almost topped out by then.

I've been trying to figuire out what the cut off is in my truck since I got it. About a week ago, I was pushing 116 and it kept gaining. I had to get out of it, so I'll have to try again another day.

That's the combined weight of the X and your max payload.
I stand corrected, i looked it up online and you are correct, tried looking on the ford website and it doesnt say the total weight.

I stand corrected, i looked it up online and you are correct, tried looking on the ford website and it doesnt say the total weight.

Had mine on a scale and it was about 5300. As for speed 118 according to my Escort and Garmin. Had to back it down because of lap traffic. As for the Mustang it got really small in the mirror.:D

p.s. yes it is tuned.

I stand corrected, i looked it up online and you are correct, tried looking on the ford website and it doesnt say the total weight.

Edmunds.com lists it at about 3900 lb, which sounds a little light but not much.

Edit- My bad, that's a 2nd gen weight. The 3rd gen is probably closer to 5k.

ive had my 97 5.0 at about 115-118 with the 32"tires.. felt pretty decent

had my g35 at about 140mph and the thing handled insane

Edmunds.com lists it at about 3900 lb, which sounds a little light but not much.

Edit- My bad, that's a 2nd gen weight. The 3rd gen is probably closer to 5k.

And there's a difference between 2x4 and 4x4.

i did the usual test when i first got mine and it got to 115 a lot faster than i thought it would. i decided to back off then since being clocked over 100 is an automatic ride to jail around here and i have no radar detector. :D i've had it at 100 a few times since then.

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2001 limited. 5.0... Cuts out at 105 =/ I will have to remedy that.
