P0135, P0141, P0155, P0161 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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P0135, P0141, P0155, P0161


May 6, 2020
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2009 Explorer XLT
Hi Explorers. Thanks in advance for all reading this post. I have a 2009 explorer V6 XLT. I have codes P0135, P0141, P0155, and P0161. I check the sensors with an OBDII scanner and found that the upstream sensors were fluctuating a lot in voltage. I changed both upstream sensors with OE Bosh O2 sensors. An hour later after changing the sensors, the check engine light went off again :( Any suggestions on how to solve the issue? Many Thanks

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Hi Explorers. Thanks in advance for all reading this post. I have a 2009 explorer V6 XLT. I have codes P0135, P0141, P0155, and P0161. I check the sensors with an OBDII scanner and found that the upstream sensors were fluctuating a lot in voltage. I changed both upstream sensors with OE Bosh O2 sensors. An hour later after changing the sensors, the check engine light went off again :( Any suggestions on how to solve the issue? Many Thanks

I just had the same issue, O2 sensors were replaced along with the EGR valve, didn't fix it!
It turns out a chip in the ECU is bad..... here is the diagnosis from a professional:
"I have seen this before. Please check the PCM connector and if okay, the PCM is bad.
What happens is the oxygen sensor heater driver goes out"

My post: Codes: P0135, P0141, P0155, P0161, P0403 and P0443

I removed my ECU and took it to a local repair shop that specializes in this repair, $200 and it's fixed, no more codes/check engine light!

I just had the same issue, O2 sensors were replaced along with the EGR valve, didn't fix it!
It turns out a chip in the ECU is bad..... here is the diagnosis from a professional:
"I have seen this before. Please check the PCM connector and if okay, the PCM is bad.
What happens is the oxygen sensor heater driver goes out"

My post: Codes: P0135, P0141, P0155, P0161, P0403 and P0443

I removed my ECU and took it to a local repair shop that specializes in this repair, $200 and it's fixed, no more codes/check engine light!
I have been wondering if I should remove the EGR valve and clean it with brake cleaner fluid.
I have not found a place to fix the ECU. do you have any keywords?


Thanks for sending the link

Thanks for sending the link
Would it be worth looking at a pick-a-part for one? also, would this cause any issues with the transmission and shifting? mine right now is having a hard time shifting especially from 3rd to 4th and going into reverse.
2008 XLT 4.0 6 cylinder

Would it be worth looking at a pick-a-part for one? also, would this cause any issues with the transmission and shifting? mine right now is having a hard time shifting especially from 3rd to 4th and going into reverse.
2008 XLT 4.0 6 cylinder
forgot to mention that my OBD reader is showing the exact same codes as listed and I've already replaced all of the valves. The transmission has already been rebuilt once about 2 years ago and I'd really rather not do it again if I didn't have to.

Would it be worth looking at a pick-a-part for one? also, would this cause any issues with the transmission and shifting? mine right now is having a hard time shifting especially from 3rd to 4th and going into reverse.
2008 XLT 4.0 6 cylinder
I had the same issue in '08, I had just bought it, most likely the previous owner knew about it and unloaded it on me!
When shifting from park to reverse, trans would hesitate and then BANG! Shift really hard into reverse.. took it to Aamco, they said the housing that holds the shift solenoids wears prematurely causing the solenoid to hang up and not shift properly, the only solution was to rebuild the trans, $2500 later, I have a new trans backed by an Aamco warranty, 2 ½ years later, no issues, I also tow with it so I needed a good trans!

