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May 3, 2007
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'93 XLT, Cayman Green RIP
Hey guys, anyone else doing P90X? I started working out again back here...


So after getting to the point that the Bowflex wasn't doing it for me I started back in the gym. That was OK but I started to see guys doing Crossfit in my gym so I started playing with that. I did find Crossfit a bit too much for my old injuries. The repetitive nature of the extreme exercises was putting too much strain on my shoulder so I began modifying and came up with my own circuit training workouts. I mix it up to keep from injuring my "soft spots".

So, back several months ago my wife wanted to get into something a bit more extreme as she had been doing the treadmill and not getting much of a result. She bought P90X. I thought it was a bit on the girly side but found that you can work as hard as you want to. I strongly suggest you get a heart rate monitor, I can keep my heart rate in my target zone and above occasionally. I have my target range set 10 bpm higher than suggested so it beeps at me above 170 and below 150 to let me know to pick it up. I burn about, get this... 1000 calories in a 60 minute Plyometrics work out. The yoga workout is just plain sick... cardio X is great too. The shoulder workout is too much for my rotator cuff so I stay away from that one. There are about 12 work outs I think...

Yes they are hard to do and you have to ease into it if you haven't been working out. If you need a break you take it, if you need to slow down you do it. If you need to modify the exercise you change it.

Tony Horton is the guy that does these and you can tell that he is trying to appeal to as many people as he can. He no doubt wants to make money... I don't think he's that bad really, he does keep you motivated through the video.

There are people on the vids modifying the exercise, less impact, more extreme etc. Horton talks throughout which can get a bit on the annoying side for some people. Especially after you have done that exercise for the 20th time... if that's the case you can turn down the volume and play some motivational music (he he, I like Killswitch Engage personally) and get to work.

This is just our experience mind you, it works for us. We really enjoy working out together and my wife can keep up with the people on the videos (she's 46 BTW). I mix it up with my circuit workouts to keep it interesting. I plan to get the new P90X2 or whatever it's called, suppose to be out at Christmas time.

Try it, it's only like 100 bucks and it's motivating to see changes in your body so quickly. I was working out regularly and I can see changes too. Check it on You Tube and see if it's for you.

Good luck and stay active,

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I am going to start soon, the p90x box has been sitting in my movie cabinet. Planned to start working out a few months ago, however, after a foot pursuit at work, I tore my meniscus (sp?). Now that I am back, 95%, I am going to start and just take it super slow. About two years ago I finished 6 weeks then injured my back at work and had to stop. I did see some amazing results though. This time around I am going to use the nutrition guide as well. I would like to get back to my post Iraq weight. Plus, as Tim McGraw put it, "in my next thirty years, I'm gonna watch my weight, eat a few more salads and not stay up so late". Glad to see somebody else on here gettin back in shape also. Good Luck.

Yup, it does work. Its good for those of us that are getting a little older. You don't need heavy weights, so its easier on our joints.

Plyometrics is just plain painful, and you need to watch your heart rate.
Yoga is long and boreing. I've never made it the hour and a half.

I guess I would say that doing what you can of P90 will give you results. I have not followed it, and only made it thru the full 1 week cycle a couple of times. After saying that, with my half effort, I have seen results. I'd say do it as best you can.

I am going to start soon, the p90x box has been sitting in my movie cabinet. Planned to start working out a few months ago, however, after a foot pursuit at work, I tore my meniscus (sp?). Now that I am back, 95%, I am going to start and just take it super slow. About two years ago I finished 6 weeks then injured my back at work and had to stop. I did see some amazing results though. This time around I am going to use the nutrition guide as well. I would like to get back to my post Iraq weight. Plus, as Tim McGraw put it, "in my next thirty years, I'm gonna watch my weight, eat a few more salads and not stay up so late". Glad to see somebody else on here gettin back in shape also. Good Luck.

Did you at least catch him?

Starting back at it tomorrow?

Yup, it does work. Its good for those of us that are getting a little older. You don't need heavy weights, so its easier on our joints.

Plyometrics is just plain painful, and you need to watch your heart rate.
Yoga is long and boreing. I've never made it the hour and a half.

I guess I would say that doing what you can of P90 will give you results. I have not followed it, and only made it thru the full 1 week cycle a couple of times. After saying that, with my half effort, I have seen results. I'd say do it as best you can.

I hear you, I worked out with my buddies today. We ran the coopers (1.5 mile) They did the treadmills and I did the elliptical trainer. My knees feel fine, kept my heart rate at about 175, did Tabatha afterwards (Crossfit) a dandy workout. Shoulder is sore however...
