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December 27, 2009
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So, I've been having trouble getting it down to my goal weight and getting back into the shape I was before my liver problems. I gained a bunch of what I had lost last year back since the beginning of the year because I was so focused on my research projects and "lost track" of eating well and exercising.

A friend of mine gave me the DVDs and stuff for P90 and P90x, so I figured I would start on P90, since I want to make sure to ease my way into it. I figured this was the best way to keep motivated, and it helped that the sessions were shorter for P90 than P90x, since I don't have a lot of time to exercise right now.

I'm on day 3.

I'm a bit sore.

But hey, it was easier than day 1, and I can keep up with the video for the most part. The only part I really had trouble with was the power yoga from day 2.

How many others here have tried it out?.

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I have the DVDs, but haven't started yet. Busy doing other "projects" - I know, bad excuse.

It was a perfectly good excuse for me for quite a while :D

I haven't done P90X, but I have done (started...) Insanity and didn't finish because the wife got ill and we never resumed. Good luck!!!

Thanks. Just finished day 6, and almost feeling guilty that tomorrow is a rest day, but my right shoulder has been sore since day 1, so it could probably use the day off.

Late to the thread, but been using P90X since April. Had two restarts based on a significant work event and a vacation, so after the latest restart back up to week 7. I've really enjoyed this regimen, especially the fact that you can "mute" Tony and just get his cues instead of his incessant babble.

Also interspersing this workout with T25, for the cardio bump.

Best of luck,

'91 Sport
